How to Get Relief from Stomach Ache

Stomach aches are most common among the uninvited guests and almost everyone suffers from them at certain point. There are dozens of reasons why you get a tummy ache ,most of the causes aren’t serious and the symptoms pass quickly.

For some of  people it can be mild discomfort and may ease up on its own, but for some it leads to chronic disorder and need a doctor’s concern.

Ranging from indigestion to gastritis and GERD, an aching stomach can stem from many things.

The remedies shown below will help you to get rid from pain and the discomfort.

Let’s see the causes for stomach ache:

Causes of stomach ache

Indigestion is the common cause for tummy ache, other than that these are the causes for tummy ache as follows:

  • Infections
  • Food poisoning
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Acid reflux
  • Gastritis
  • Constipation
  • Stomach or peptic ulcers
  • Pulled or strained muscles
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Irritable bowel symptoms

Symptoms of stomach ache

Some of the stomach ache symptoms are

  • Nausea
  • Bloating
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach cramps
  • Diarrhea

Home Remedies for Stomach Ache

Many of us are not aware of the ingredients which are effectively useful for relieving from stomach pain after one or two doses.

However if the pain still exists don’t neglect to concern a doctor within the time.

Here are some of the natural remedies to get rid of stomach pain

Use a Hot Pad or Hot Water Bottle

How to Get Relief from Stomach Ache

This is the best remedy to get rid from stomach pain; heat increases the blood flow to the skin surface and transfers the pain into relief.

See also  10 Effective Home Remedies for Stomach Ache

Place a hot bottle or heating pad over your upset stomach. It takes 10-15 minutes to get relief from the pain.

Enjoy Some Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea helps in reducing the inflammation in your stomach which causes the pain.

Required Ingredients

  • A tea bag of chamomile or 2 table spoons of dried chamomile
  • Hot water
  • A jug


Pour boiling water over chamomile tea bag and cover it with a jug or if you are using dried chamomile steep then place chamomile in boiling water for 10 or 15 minutes and sip slowly.

Rice Water

Rice water acts as demulcent, it releases some of the compounds which help in coat the inside walls of the stomach for ease digestion.

Required ingredients

  • ½ cup of rice
  • 2 cups of water


Make rice water by cooking white rice with double amount of water you would normally use. Cook the rice until it becomes soft.

Pour the rice in to strainer by catching the left over liquid in a bowl.

Once the liquid is cool enough then drink it by adding some honey which helps you in relieving from stomach pain.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains pectin which helps in soothing the entire gastrointestinal tract and eliminate symptoms like cramps, gas and nausea.

Regular consumption of apple cider vinegar will boost immunity, improve digestion and maintain body’s proper ph levels.

Required Ingredients

2 table spoon of apple cider vinegar

One cup of Luke warm water


Pour 2 table spoons of vinegar into one cup of luck warm water and drink twice a day after meals to get rid of stomach pain and infections.

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Use Baking Soda

Baking soda is commonly used in recipes, it is also useful for relieving from stomach aches as it acts as an antacid to relieve an upset stomach.

It undergoes a chemical reaction in your stomach which forms carbon dioxide and promotes burping.


Do not take it to cure stomach pain if you are undergoing any medical conditions.

How to Take Baking Soda for Stomach Ache?

Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water and drink it slowly

It will relieve the pain and bloating instantly by making you burp. Drink up to 5 glasses per day.

Some Ginger

Ginger contains natural compounds that fight inflammation, reduces excess stomach acid and stimulate digestion.

The chemicals in ginger help in relaxing muscles which lies inside the intestinal track and relieves from stomach cramp and pain.

Required Ingredients

2 inches of ginger root

A cup of boiled water

Table spoon of honey


In boiled water add fresh ginger which is sliced in to pieces.

Boil it for 2-3 minutes then pour it in a glass and add one table spoon of honey.

Sip slowly and relax.

Lemon Water

The acidic nature in lemon stimulates the hydrochloric acid which gives the digestion a boost.

This also helps in keeping your system flushed and makes it run smoothly.

How to Take Lemon Water?

Add 2 table spoon of lemon juice in warm water and sip it slowly. You can add honey to this water for taste.

Have Some Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds contain anethole, it’s a volatile oil helps in secretion of digestive juices to move things.

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It can reduce bloating, improve digestion and relieves cramps.

How to Take Fennel Seeds?

Chew some of the fennel seeds after your meals or take a cup of boil water and add one table spoon of fennel seeds and cover it with a lid.

Let the seeds steep inside water for ten minutes, then strain the fennel tea into a cup and sip it slowly.

Consuming it regularly will give you good results.

Drink Coke

Drinking your favorite cola can also be a remedy for mild stomach pains and it will hydrate you and relieves you from the pain.

Drinking cola after having your meals as it reduces the gastric troubles in your stomach and helps in ease digestion.

Try mint

Mint has natural painkilling properties, so it reduces the cramping in the stomach and maintains the digestive system.

Chew some of the mint or add it in the warm water and take it as a mint tea after your meals.

Try Some Yogurt

Yogurt is full of probiotics which can helps in ease digestion and boosts your immune system.

Just make sure to take plain yogurt instead of sweet one because sugar can affect your stomach.


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