10 Most Effective Home Remedies for Gout

Gout is just a type of arthritis that causes inflammation usually in one joint that starts suddenly. This can be found in most of the people who have high level of uric acid in their blood.

In this article you will get to know about the types, causes, symptoms and 10 most effective home remedies for gout.

Types of Gouts

They are four types of gouts; well these types are also known as several stages of gouts.

Acute Gout

This stage starts when the uric acid starts to deposit in the body joints causing swelling, pain and tenderness.

Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia

This stage occurs when we have elevated levels of uric acid in the blood.

Interval Gout

This stage occurs in between the stage of acute gout but shows no symptoms.

Chronic Gout

This can be found in people who have high level of uric acid in blood for several years. Attacks become more frequent and the pain may not go away as it used to be.

Joints damage may occur during this stage and loses its mobility. This is a rare case and cannot be treated easily.

Cause of Gouts

Gout is a result of excess of uric acid in the blood, a condition called hyperuricemia. When the kidneys cannot excrete the uric acid, it results in formation of their deposits.

The uric acid forms a needle like substance between the joints and causes sudden pain, swelling and redness.

Causes of an elevated uric acid level includes genetics, obesity and medications such as diuretics and if the kidney has chronic disease.

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Symptoms of Gout

Most Effective Home Remedies for Gout

The characteristics symptoms and signs of gout are as follows

  • Intense joint pain
  • Joint swelling
  • Redness
  • Heat in the affected area
  • Formation of lumps under the skin

These symptoms normally affect the single joint pain.

10 Effective Home Remedies for Gouts

Although we have no cure for gout, but we have effective home remedies for gouts which are shown below

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice has alkalizing agent and helps to neutralize the affect of uric acid in the blood. The high level of vitamin c in lemon juice helps in breaking down of gout deposited by raising the urines PH.

You will need

  • Two fresh lemons
  • A glass of water
  • ½ tea spoon of baking soda

What you have to do?

  • Take two fresh lemons and cut it, squeeze out the juice from the lemon and add it to the glass of water.
  • Add some baking soda to the juice and drink daily.
  • Have 2-3 glasses of lemon juice daily for beneficial results.

Ginger Root for Gout

Ginger is a natural herb that is used for treating various illnesses in the ayurvedic medicine. It also contains anti inflammatory properties which helps to relieve the joint inflammation.

You will need

  • One inch piece of ginger

What you have to do?

Consume this every day morning to get relief from the gout. You can also apply ginger paste to the affected joints.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains anti-inflammatory properties which helps the assuage pain and soreness associated with a gout. The acidic nature of vinegar elevates the pain and reduces inflammation.

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You need

1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar

One glass of water

What you have to do?

Add 1 table spoon of apple cider vinegar in water and drink it two to three times a day. If you find it as helpful in relieving the pain increase the amount of apple cider vinegar in water.

Cold Water

Cold water helps in reducing swelling. All you need to do is soak the affected area in cold water for few mkinutes to get relief from the pain.


Cherries contain anti oxidant properties and anthocyanin which helps in reducing the inflammation and gout flare ups.

You need


Glass of cherry juice

What you have to do?

Eat 10-15 cherries in a day or drink a glass of cherry juice 3 times in a day. This will give you tremendous result by relieving the pain of gout.

Baking Soda for Gout

Baking soda helps in increasing the pH levels of the body fluids or deposit to dissolve in the blood quickly which can be eliminated from the body.

You need

  • ½ table spoon of baking soda
  • Glass of water

What you have to do?

Mix ½ table spoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink 2/ 3 times a day.


Consult your doctor before using this home remedy for gout.

Epsom Salt for Gout

This salt helps in removing toxins from the body and soothes the inflamed joints. The warmness in the water helps you from reducing swelling and pain.

You need

½ cup of Epsom salt

A bucket of water

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What you have to do?

Mix the Epsom salt in bucket of warm water and make sure it is dissolved and soak the affected area in the bucket for 15 minutes.

Remove the feet and rinse it with normal water.

Pineapple for Gout

Pineapple contains anti inflammatory properties and an enzyme called bromelain which is beneficial for joint inflammation in gouts.

You need

1 cup pine apple

What you have to do?

Eat the pineapple directly or combine it with other fruits.

Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal acts as an effective absorbent. It absorbs the uric acid from the body and relieves the pain caused by gout.

You need

1 table spoon of Activated charcoal

Cup of water

What you have to do?

Mix the activated charcoal with a cup of water and make it a paste.

Apply this paste on the affected area for instant relief.

For better result it is advised to take a charcoal bath twice a week.

Continue this process for a month.

Turmeric and Honey

Turmeric and honey contains number of antibiotics that destroy the harmful germs in the body.

Turmeric helps in enhancing the immune system and also helps in fighting against certain disorders successfully.

Honey is a great restorative and powerful medicine with amazing curative effects.

You need

2/3 table spoons of turmeric

2/3 table spoons of organic raw honey

What you have to do?

Combine the two ingredients and form a paste. Apply this on the affected area directly or you can consume the paste orally to get rid from the joint pains.


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