Olive Leaf Extract for Herpes

Herpes is an infective disease which spread from one person to another easily and are in varying forms. There are two types of common herpes known as genetic herpes and oral herpes.

These are painful sores developing around the infected area. It affects both men and women.

Genital herpes in men causes blisters on the buttocks, anus and inside the urethra. Genital herpes in women appears blisters in vaginal area, anus and external genitals.

Are you one of them who are suffering from herpes and embarrasses to get prescriptions or medications? No worries, as we have so many natural remedies for treating many diseases including herpes.

Here in this article we will see how to cure herpes virus with natural ingredient called olive leaf extract (OLE).

Olive Leaf Extract

Olive leaf extract is nothing but an olive extract taken from the tree leaf. This has been used from decades for several medical purposes. It has the ability to kill and inhibit the multiplication of viruses in the body

This extract contains phenolics called oleuropin that helps in maintaining glucose metabolism and skin health.

Olive Leaf Extract for Herpes

Olive leaf extract contains elinolic acid which has the ability to inhibit viruses. In case of herpes it helps in relieving out breaking sores, increase healing time and stores the energy levels that may be depleted by virus active phase.

Olive leaf contains many biologically active constituents that help to create a resistance the viruses causing herbs.

Olive leaf extract contains anti-bacterial, antiseptic, anti fungal and anti- viral properties. It also helps in boosting your immune system.

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It helps in preventing herpes by out breaking the layer more efficiently which causes spreading of disease.

Types of Olive Leaf Extract

Most of the olive leaf extract can be found in capsules. The leaves are grounded to make a powder for consumption.

  • Powdered Whole Leaf Capsules

This capsule is made by leaf of olive without any standardizes extract that comes in 400-700 mg. It helps in effective healing of herpes.

  • Powdered Leaf Extracts Capsules

It contains oelurophin which gives strength to the capsules and ranges between 6-20%. These are hygroscopic in nature which makes use of standard fillers for stabilizing the capsule.

  • Olive Leaf Tea

Olive leaf is also available in tea bags. This helps in reducing the infection of herpes in the body and also helps to control cold and flu.

  • Powdered Olive Leaf

Powdered olive leaf is easy to use when compared to the capsules. You can directly sprinkle on the food you take to speed up the healing process, if teas and capsules are taking longer time.

  • Olive Leaf Extracts Tinctures

Olive leaf extract can also be found in tinctures (dry leaf mixture).

How to Use Olive Oil Extract for Herpes

It’s very easy to use olive oil extract in capsule form, instead here are some of the ways how to take olive leaf extract for herpes:

  • Consume 3-4 capsules which contain 6% of oleuropein for every 6 hours regularly until you see the symptoms f reducing herpes on your body.
  • You can directly apply the oil leaf extract on the affected area by using a cotton pads.
  • Consume only two capsules which contain 20% of oleuropein after the meals regularly.
  • Mix the olive leaf powder directly in a glass of warm water and drink it for better healing process, it also helps in boosting your immune system.
  • Drink olive leaf tea regularly until you get rid from the infection.
  • Combine olive leaf extract with aluminum gel and consume it daily.
  • Fewer amounts of capsules is taken until you see the changes in your body, huge amount may lead to many other diseases.
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Note: Always consult a doctor before having it.

Other Benefits of Olive Leaf

Olive Leaf Extract for Herpes

Olive leaf extract can be used in many other ways which are shown below:


Olive oil extract helps in reducing cholesterol, reducing weight and to maintain normal blood glucose levels.

Colds and Flu

Olive leaf contains anti-bacterial and anti viral properties which reduces the virus which is causes flu and heals it completely and removes the infection.


This olive leaf extract increases twice the amount of anti oxidants as green tea. If it is consumed for more than 6 weeks it has been shown that it lowers heart rates and blood pressure.

 Side Effects of Olive Leaf Extracts

Even it’s a substance that eliminates the toxins from the body; organs in the body may work even harder for pathogenic organisms which may result in some of the symptoms as follows:

  • Diarrhea
  • Joint pains
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea

Well these side effects are temporary, which causes only when you are using olive leaf extract for the first time.

Some of the Other Natural Remedies to Get Rid From Herpes

Consume Garlic Paste

Garlic contains allicin which helps to kill the host of bacteria and viruses that cause infections.

Because of its anti bacterial and anti viral properties it helps in out breaking of herpes.

How to use garlic paste?

Take chopped garlic in a small bowl and mix it with one table spoon of honey.

Mix the ingredients together and consume, repeat this regularly.

Apply Garlic Oil

Take chopped garlic in a cup.

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Place a pan and pour 5 table spoons of olive oil and add one table spoon of crushed garlic in it, cook until it get into golden brown color

Strain the oil and apply it on the affected area.

Use Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is an excellent natural remedy to kill the virus that leads to herpes outbreaks.

Coconut oil contains lauric acid which helps in deactivating the virus to perform its activities.

How to use coconut oil?

Dip the cotton swab in a coconut oil and apply in on the affected area, allow the oil to completely absorb in to the skin.

Repeat the remedy every day night before going to bed.

Alternatively you can drink coconut milk to get elevated from the infection.

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