Top 20 Foods and Exercises on How to Increase Height Naturally

Are you embarrassed with your height or fed up of being called Shorty all your life?

Or did you made endless things to improve height?

Wishing for a way to increase your height without any medications and surgery?

If your answer is YES, then you are on the right tract to improve your height and grow taller.

This article provides you all the details about growing taller along with some great tips and helps you how to grow fast.

Before that we will see the causes of short height.

Causes for Short Height?

The proper growth of the body mainly depends upon human growth hormones which are produced by pituitary glands. The fewer amounts of these hormones are also one of the causes for short height.

Well, mostly human height depends about 60-70% on genetics. And the remaining 20-40% depends on the environment and habits.

Apart from these there are some of the factors which can be controllable and prevents you from growing taller.

  • Irregular lifestyle
  • Improper diet
  • Lack of physical exercise
  • Incorrect posture
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Smoking and alcohol consumption.

The food we take has the great impact on our height.

Here we will see what Foods we need to take to Grow Taller:

 1 Proteins

Protein helps to build up our body and various tissues that helps in improving the height growth. Acting as enzymes they also encourage various reactions like digestion, respiration and excretion.

2 Minerals

Calcium is one of the best mineral to improve our growth of the body. Minerals include magnesium, phosphorous, iodine and manganese plays a significant role for increasing body height and growth.

3 Vitamins

All vitamins have immense importance for our growth especially Vitamin D, which helps in absorbing and utilizing calcium for bones.

Exposing your body to the sun in early morning is the best way to gain vitamin D easily.

4 Milk

Milk is rich in calcium and vitamin D which are very essential for bones. Drink 2-3 glasses of milk every day, it will strengthen you and keeps you healthy.

5 Beans

Beans are rich in minerals and vitamins which help in building your tissues and muscles which leads to natural height growth.

Consume it twice or thrice in a week for regular growth.

6 Broccoli

Top 15 Foods and Exercises to How to Increase Height Naturally

It helps in proper functioning of the body and helps to stimulate growth hormones because it contains high amounts of vitamin C and iron.

7 Fruits

All fruits are rich in potassium, fibers and folates. Especially fruits like pineapple, mango, and apricots which are rich in vitamins.

The nutrients of these fruits help in healthy growth of bones and promote height growth as well.

8 Banana

Banana is rich source of nutrients such as calcium, potassium and healthy probiotic bacteria. Scientist and nutritionist have found that these nutrients are essential for human growth.

It also reduces the harmful impacts of sodium on teeth and bones. Banana should not be ignored if you want to mention the wonderful foods to increase the height.

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9 Soya beans

Soya beans contain number of proteins which help to improve bone and tissue density for their growth.

In order to increase your height growth, consume 50 grams of soya beans on daily basis.

10 Leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals which promote good health and it also helps in stimulating the growth hormones in the body. This in turn increases your height.

11 Whole grains

Whole grain helps in bodily functions and also in proper elimination of waste out of the body. Whole grains provides the required calories and some of the whole grains are rich in calcium too.

Consumption of whole grains regularly should be increased.

12 Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are rich in amino acids which helps the body in improving growth. This is also essential for proper bone and tooth formation.

13 Eggs

Eggs are the most popular foods we see daily. These are rich in calcium, minerals and riboflavin which help in regular growth of bones.

The white albumen in egg contains high proteins which enhances the height increase.

14 Chicken

Chicken have greater proteins compared to other animal foods. These proteins help in building tissues and muscles in our body.

15 Beef

Beef contains vital source of proteins which supports your height of growth. But it also contains high level of fat which leads to increasing your cholesterol.

16 Oatmeal

Oatmeal is also rich in number of proteins and minerals that assists in improving your muscles and reduces fat.

Consume 50 grams of oatmeal as a breakfast everyday that will help you to add extra inches to your height.

17 Coral calcium

Coral calcium helps in improving bones mass and makes them to grow in length.

Sea corals are rich source of coral calcium, consumption of this calcium regularly will give you maximum results.

18 Dairy foods

Dairy products like cheese, yogurt, and ice cream are excellent source for vitamin A, B, D and E. These will help you in effective result in your height growth.

19 Bok Choy

Bok Choy is nothing but the Chinese cabbage which has the ability to increase our height. It is loaded with the essential minerals that play an important role in stimulating the growth of hormones in our body.

Regular consumption of bok Choy will give you numerous health and beauty benefits.

20 Turnip

Turnip is a vegetable rich in fat, minerals, fibers and protein. The nutrients inside the turnip will boost the growth development.

This healthy vegetable should be cooked for dinner to see optimal growth.

Best Exercise to Increase Your Height:

1 Bar hanging

Bar hanging helps in decreasing the pull on your vertebras and makes your trunk weight stretch the spine.

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Place a horizontal bar in a position where your body is allowed to move in all directions. While hanging keep your hip, shoulders and arms as relaxed as possible.

This will make you to pull the body effectively by gravitational force. This exercise should be done three times each done for 20 seconds with a break in between.

2 Hopping With One Leg

This exercise is very easy and helps in brain development and also in growth of hormones.

Hop with your right leg 8 times while holding your hands up and do same with your left leg this helps in strengthens your leg.

3 Pelvic Shift

This exercise helps your body in stretching up and down.

To start the exercise first you have to lie down on the floor by placing shoulders and arms firmly on the floor.

Bend your knees and draw your feet as close to your buttocks then arch your back to thrust your pelvis remain in the position for 20-30 seconds.

4 Forward Spine Stretch

This exercise helps in keeping your spine flexed.

Sit straight on the mat with your feet in front and your legs should be extended up to the shoulders width apart. Inhale and extend your arms out in front of you.

Repeat this exercise for several times for making your spine flexible.

5 Bow Down

Stand straight and place your hands on your hip. Bend slightly from the original position by placing your chin off your chest. Always remember while doing this doesn’t bend your knees.

6 Spot Jump

Stand straight with your toes keeping your legs together and hand up in the air and starts jumping for at least two minutes.

7 Wall stretch

This exercise helps in keeping your spine straight.

Stand straight with your toes against the wall and place your hands on the wall as high as possible. Your spine should be kept flat against the wall as much as possible.

Each repetition should be of 4–5 seconds.

8 Cobra Stretch

This is a type of yoga exercise intended to increase your vertical height.

Lie down on the mat with your face down and place your palms under the shoulders. Bend your spine upwards your chin to form an elevated angle.

Repeat 3to 4 times by giving 30-40 seconds gap each.

9 Downhill

Stand up straight by keeping your hands together and arms at your back. Bend down from your waist and start swinging as high you can. Repeat this exercise for 4 to 6 seconds each time.

10 Forward Bend

Stand straight and keep your feet wide apart and put your hands up and bends towards front to touch the ground.

While doing this exercise you should not bend your knees, remain in this position for 10 seconds and get back to the original position slowly.

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11 Rope Skipping

Skipping with a rope will help you in increasing your height. Take a skipping rope and make it a daily routine to skip.

12 Swimming

Swimming helps us to keep our muscles strong and healthy. Swimming for at least 5 days in a week for couple of hours is very useful for gaining height.

13 Pilates Roll Over

This exercise helps to strengthen and elongate the spine.

Lie on back with your arms along your sides and palms down. Then keep your legs together and extend them straight up towards the ceiling and bend them backwards to touch the floor.

The more you stretch the more your spine lengthens.

14 Ankle Weights

This will help to increase your lower body.

Sit straight in a chair and use an ankle weight fastener to add weight to the ankle and allow your legs to stretch down with the pressure of the weights.

If you complete then remove the weights and relax your legs by kicking your legs gently for 5- 10 times.

15 Warriors Pose

This is not only an exercise but also a yoga pose which improves your hormones growth.

Stand straight and keep your feet wide apart, then bring your arms over your head.

Turn your left foot by 95 degree and right foot by 45 degree then bend your left knee.

Now raise both the hands and remain in the position for 10-20 seconds.

Get back to original position slowly.

16 Dry Land Swims

This exercise is the best way to increase your weight.

This is an alternating leg hand pair, your right arms pair up with left leg and left arm pair with right leg.

Lie down in a prone position and lift each pair turn by turn and outstretching each limb as far as you can.

17 Table Stretch Exercise

This exercise is one of the most effective to gain height. But it should be done under an expert supervision to prevent any injury.

Sit on the floor and stretch your hands and legs by keeping it straight.

18 Cycling

Cycling helps to enhance the coordination and balance in the body and stretches and tones the muscles for immense growth.

Try to ride a bicycle on regular basis. It takes 1-4 months to increase the height depending the intake of nutrients like nutrients, minerals and proteins.

19 Walking

It is the safest cardio exercise with lots of benefits.

Regular walking helps production of growth hormone in the body and decreases the stress hormone level which leads to improving your metabolism.

It also helps in increasing your height like other stretching exercises.

20 Basket ball for Height

Basket ball is a solid game which includes drunks, jumps, swivels that helps your body to be stretched in all directions.




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