How to Improve Your Hair Color Naturally with Diet and Home Remedies

For many people, hair is a crowning glory and they take immense pride to look beautiful. Their hair is their own identity and sense of self worth.

But at certain point it becomes colorless, weak and thin. This is due to the decrease of melanin production in the hair follicles. Melanin is a natural substance which provides natural color to your hair.

As you grow older melanin production slows down and you lose your natural color of the hair.

Well, don’t worry you can easily increase the melanin productivity in your body by just following the proper diet with all nutrients and proteins.

You can also improve your hair color naturally with home remedies such as amla and coconut. Instead of using all the chemical products available in the market try to follow home remedies which may help you without any side effects.

This article describes how to improve your hair color naturally with diet and home remedies.

How to Improve Your Hair Color Naturally With Diet

A good diet which will provide essential vitamins and minerals to your hair will ensure that they look healthier and happier.

The food items which should be mandatory in your diet are as follows:

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

The oil which contains omega 3 fatty acids will hydrate your hair and scalp and improves the number of nutrients to line up the scalp.

Examples of rich omega 3 fatty acid foods are pumpkin seeds, Indian salmon, avocados and trout.


The most important components to make your hair strong and healthy are proteins. If your diet consists of lower proteins, you may face problems like hair loss and dry hair. Eat the right proteins to keep your hair strong.

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Examples of rich protein foods are chicken, eggs, turkey and for vegetarian’s nuts are rich source of proteins.


Nutrients are fed to the root of the hair follicles with the help of iron. It also provides oxygen to your hair and if you have lower amounts of iron it results in anemia which is a major cause for hair loss.

So make sure to take iron rich foods in your diet for your healthy hair.

Examples of rich iron foods are sea food, red meat, soya beans, beetroot etc.


Minerals are very important to maintain healthy hair, especially copper helps in producing melanin in the body which supports the hair growth. Consume rich source of mineral foods to maintain good and healthy hair.

Examples of rich mineral foods are beef, eggs, meat, sunflower seeds etc.

Vitamin A

It is essential to your body and it’s a good source of healthy hair. This also helps in get rid of dandruff and hair fall.

Examples of vitamin A foods are green vegetables, oranges, bellies.

How to Improve Your Hair Color Naturally with Home Remedies

Coconut Oil With Curry Leaves Remedy

This is a perfect remedy for improving your hair naturally.

You need

Cup of coconut oil

Curry leaves

What you need to do?

Boil the curry leaves in coconut oil and strain out the leaves and cool down the oil at room temperature.

Apply it in the scalp and remain it for one or two hours then wash it.

Repeat this for three to four times a month.

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Coconut Oil with Lemon Juice

The mixture of these two natural ingredients will treat the scalp from hair follicles which have lost their charm.

You need

Coconut oil

Lemon juice

What you need to do?

Mix coconut oil and lemon juice with equal quality and apply it on your scalp thoroughly to your scalp.

Repeat this remedy twice in a week for effective results.

Biotin for hair

Biotin helps the hair to grow naturally without any side effects.

You need

Biotin capsules

Coconut oil

What you need to do?

Crush the capsules and mix it with coconut oil and apply it on the scalp. Leave it overnight and wash it in the morning.

Repeat this regularly for good results.

Wheat Grass Juice

How to Improve Your Hair Color Naturally with Diet and Home

Wheat grass juice is rich in vitamin C, E, chlorophyll, amino seeds, copper, calcium and antioxidants which help to maintain your hair health.

You need

Wheat grass juice

What you need to do?

You can either grow own wheat grass and juice it or buy wheat grass powder and mix it with water and drink it.

Sesame Seeds Remedy

Sesame seeds are rich in vitamin B and helps in reducing hair loss.

You need

Cup of sesame seeds

3 cups of water

What you need to do?

Soak sesame seeds in water to make it soft and make it a paste then apply it on your scalp.

Wash it after some time. Repeat this on regular basis.

Mango Kernel with Indian Gooseberry

This is another natural remedy for maintaining black luscious, smoother and silkier hair instantly.

See also  Molasses for Grey Hair

You need

Mango kernel powder

Indian gooseberry mixture

What you need to do?

Mix the ingredients to form a paste and apply it on your scalp thoroughly and rinse it after 30 minutes with warm water.

Repeat this process for twice in a week to get gorgeous hair.


The stimulating properties of rosemary encourage new growth and it will help to get rid of free radicals that damage hair pigments.

You need

Rosemary oil

What you need to do?

Take some rosemary oil and directly apply on your scalp and massage it for some time.

Repeat this regularly for beneficial results.

Onion Remedy

Onion juice or eating onions will also help you for maintain good hair.

You need

4 spoons of onion juice

3 spoons of lemon juice

What you need to do?

Make small pieces of onion and grind it and squeeze the juice and then mix it with required amount of lemon juice.

Apply it on your scalp and let it sit for 30 minutes and wash it with water. Repeat this remedy for twice in a week to get nourishing hair.

Earth Wash Treatment

It’s a natural remedy which requires nothing but the earth from outside. It slows down the graying process and has no side effects.

You need:

Earth dug

Some water

What you need to do?

Combine earth dug with water and make it a solution. Filter the solution using a cotton cloth and apply it on your scalp thoroughly.

Repeat this remedy twice in week for good results.


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