5 Ways to Stop Absorbing Other People’s Negative Energy

Have you ever had the experience that life is out of you when you spent time with a particular person?

While sympathy is just a feeling for other person because of their situation, but empathy is experiencing what the other person experiences.

Well if you are locked in a room with a negative person; do you know how tangible emotions can feel? It’s like his/her energy is jumping unto you and can’t make your head up.Nothing can grill you and make you feel down like negative people do.

Leading your life with positivity is one of the best things you need to know. Learning to stop absorbing toxic energy from other people is the greatest tool. Because you’re emotional state affects you mentally, physically and spiritually. Your life need to be in your hands.

Here are the five ways to stop absorbing people’s negativity

Stop pleasing everyone

If someone is bullying you or complaining about you then don’t take it personally because it’s their problem and not yours.Taking it personally may drag you down in negativity and make you energetically and emotionally dependent on people’s opinion.

It’s important to realize that you can’t make everyone happy and everyone is different in their own perspective.Love yourself first, this will keep other peoples opinion from draining you and let go of people who bring you down.

Beware of vampires

Beware of vampires who always use negative words and negative emotions unto you.These type of people will come to you when they need you and will not be visible when you need help. The more they complain, the more they find new things to complain about you.

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Remind yourself that you are not responsible for their problems, if they can’t carry themselves; don’t carry their burden for them.

Giving in to someone’s drama won’t help them, and it certainly won’t help you.

Learn to say no

5 Ways to Stop Absorbing Other People’s Negative Energy

Being generous would be a great thing but don’t let anyone take advantage of your generosity.It’s important to know your boundaries and speak up when they crossed.

It’s OK to say NO when you need it, be careful about what kind of people you allow access in to your life.

This is your life and your own personal space and has clear standards about what you except from others before you allow them to have place in your life.

Spend time with yourself

It’s important to give sometime for yourself so that you can tune your own thoughts and desires.Well it’s necessary to cultivate the awareness you need to identify when you absorb negative energy.

Take a walk on the beach, focus on your breathing, be mindful on your surroundings and enjoy the peace around you.This will help you in refreshing your mind when you get back to your daily routine.

Take 100% responsibility of your life

You are 100% responsible for your thoughts and emotions. It may be difficult to tune the negative opinion of others, especially if is about you.But your perception on yourself is stronger than anyone else.Once you take responsibility of yourself, then you release yourself from the influence of others. Positivity and confidence will give you emotional strength and endurance to lead a good life.

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