Home Remedies for Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is most common and very serious issue these days. Abdominal pain paired with  bloody diarrhea could be a sign or symptom of ulcerative colitis.Home remedies of ulcerative colitis may assist you in recovering and help in ease the signs of the disease.

Before that we will know about the cause and symptoms of ulcerative colitis.

What is ulcerative colitis?

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease causing inflammation of the colon and rectum. It is considered as an autoimmune condition in which body’s immune system attacks its own healthy tissues which causes inflammation.

Ulcerative colitis may also raise symptoms like diarrhea, abdomen pain and rectal bleeding due to the ulcers which are lining inside the large intestine.

Causes and symptoms

The exact cause for UC is not known but genetics play a major role. UC causes body’s immune system to react abnormally to the bacteria found in digestive track.

Some of the symptoms for UC are:

  • Anemia
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Loss of weight
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Loss of body fluids and nutrients
  • Eye irritation
  • Kidney stones
  • Liver diseases
  • Osteoporosis

Although we don’t have any cure for ulcerative colitis, but here are some of the home remedies which will help you to get relief from this problem.

Home remedies for ulcerative colitis

Home Remedies for Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a condition that continues to affect the body on a consistent basis, here are the remedies:

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera helps in reducing and healing the pain in the colon. Aloe Vera gel and juice have anti inflammatory properties which help in mild reduction of ulcerative colitis.

  • Consume two ounces of aloe Vera gel 8 times a day when you experience flare ups.
  • You can even take aloe Vera gel with a glass of water 3 to 4 times a day.
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Olive oil

Olive oil is rich in mono saturated and immunemodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. It is the most effective remedy for mild to moderate ulcerative colitis.

Simply consume three or four drops of olive oil directly after your meals.

Wheat grass juice

Wheat gram juice can reduce abdominal pain, diarrhea and rectal bleeding caused by chronic condition. It has anti-inflammatory properties and beneficial for those who are suffering with ulcerative colitis.

Drink four teaspoons of wheat gram juice daily to get beneficial results.

Psyllium seeds

Psyllium seeds are rich in fiber and works as bulk forming agent and improves gut mobility which helps in reducing diarrhea and ulcerative colitis.

Mix the seeds of psyllium in a glass of warm water and drink before it become thick. Continue this process until you get comfort results.

Fish oil

Fish oil contains omega 3 fatty acids and inflammatory properties help in relieving the symptoms of ulcerative colitis.Omega 3 fatty acids are polysaturated fatty acids which help in reducing the inflammation.

You need to take one gram of fish oil everyday and increase the dosage after some days.

Consume high fiber food

High fiber food helps in removing toxins from your body and it also improves bowel regularity and promotes good health.

Leafy vegetables, fruits and whole meal breads are rich in fiber which can be consumed daily.

Avoid dairy products and high fat foods

Dairy products such as milk and cheese contain high number of digestive problems due to lactose intolerance.

Avoid taking high fat foods particularly junk foods are health hazards. You need to be careful when you are suffering with ulcerative colitis.

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Bromelain is an anti inflammatory which can be used as a digestive aid and blood thinner and to treat some injuries and swelling.

It helps in breakdown of your proteins and appears to provide anti inflammatory benefits. It is an effective in improvement of colonic inflammation of colitis.

Juice mix

The juice mix of papaya, cabbage and carrot will provide anti oxidants to your body which helps in reducing ulcerative colitis.


The probiotic may help you in controlling the number of potential harmful bacteria, decrease inflammation and improve the protective mucus lining of the gut.This may reduce harmful inflammatory responses and maintain remission.


Turmeric is an antioxidant and appears to decrease inflammation while improving the effectiveness of medical therapy.

Well mostly turmeric is used in Indian recipes contain cur cumin that may also help in decreasing ulcerative colitis.


Boswellia is a natural herb from tree bark, the primary effect on UC appears to be inhibiting of chemical reactions that produce inflammatory mediators.


The high concentrations of phosphorous and iron in steamed apples are beneficial to your body.

It also heals ulcers associated with ulcerative colitis.

Increase vitamin c intake

It will help you in lowering the risk of  ulcerative colitis and provide protective benefits.

Examples of vitamin c food are red bell peppers, strawberries and spinach.

Increase liquid intake

Drinking lot of fluids will help you to clear toxins from your body and protect you from ulcerative colitis.

Limit in taking sweets

Consuming lots of sweets may increase the symptoms of ulcerative colitis. It is better to avoid sweets in order to stay healthy.

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Folic acid

Ulcerative colitis is one of the main reasons for colon cancer, so intake of folic acid may help and treat you from the cancer.

Avoid meat

Red meat and processed meat contain high number of sulphate or sulfur which may trigger the symptoms of ulcerative colitis.

It is recommended to avoid consumption of meat when you have ulcerative colitis.

Exercise for ulcerative colitis

Exercising daily will help you to keep fit and healthy. Daily 45 minutes of walk will help you to reduce all types of internal problems and helps in proper digestion.

Stress reduction technique for UC

Well, stress has direct impact on our daily life style, which is the cause for severe problems.

If your stomach is upset then ulcerative colitis flares up, so you need to eat well on time and sleep well on time and most importantly you need to maintain regular exercise then ulcerative colitis will not bother you.

Prevent emotional stress with the help of stress relieving exercises or therapies, yoga and meditation.


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