7 Things That Causes Slow Brain Cell Death

Losing brain cells is not a harmful thing that happens in human beings and it’s a general process. Most people don’t know that brain is capable of repairing itself and growing new brain cells via new process called neurogenesis. If you are heavy drug user or abuser there is still hope for you to repair your brain and get back on track.

But, there are certain things which we do unknowingly that cause our brain cells to death and results in damaging our internal organs easily.

Let’s see those 7 things which lead to slow brain cell death in this article.

7 Things That Causes Slow Brain Cell Death:

  1. Having High Glycemic Index Food In Your Diet:

    glycemic index foods for preventing cancer

(Image Source: www.harvardhealth.com)

Carbohydrate foods that will not raise the blood sugar levels are often called as low glycemic index foods and the foods which can raise blood sugar levels in the body called as high glycemic foods.

When the blood sugar levels rise to maximum level they will get stored in your blood cell tissues including your brain cells and this my even lead to death.

So, it’s better to avoid processed and fast foods that damage your brain cells and include all healthy foods which provide proteins and nutrients to your brain to be more active.

  1. Overeating Foods That You’re Allergic Too:

    Allergy food concept. Allergic food on a white wooden background

(Image Source: www.heartofwellness.com)

Sometimes, we can’t control ourselves from the food we love. Some foods that cause allergies include symptoms such as fatigue, sleepiness and also make you feel sluggish. Foods with allergens also lead to brain fog and make it difficult for you to think and to make decisions in your life.

  1. Regular Workout With Vitamin C And E Deficiency:

    regular workout for preventing cancer

(Image Source: www.exercise.com)

Regular workout is good but not with vitamin C and E deficiency. Doing exercise with these deficiencies often releases free radicals that can’t be neutralized in the body.

These free radicals will end up in causing damage to all internal organ cells including brain cells. Try to follow workout that has been advised by your nutritionist that suits your body.

  1. Control Your Blood Sugar Levels:

    controlling blood sugar level

(Image Source: www.wearandcheer.com)

Eating excess amount of processed foods often result in increasing blood sugar levels in the body, higher sugar levels result in restricted formation of insulin. Diabetes can cause slow death of the brain cells.

  1. Dehydration:


(Image Source: www.mydr.com)

Due to the fact that our brain contains 75% of water, it is important to stay hydrated. If you fail to drink 8 glasses of water regularly then it might result in causing damage to your brain cells and make them dead.

If you go without any fluids for 24 hours then you are likely to end up killing brain cells. Make sure you make yourself hydrated to avoid unnecessary loss of brain cells.

  1. Not Getting Enough Sleep:

    not getting enough sleep

(Image Source: www.earth.com)

Not getting enough sleep will obstruct the flow of oxygen that flow to your brain to keep cells alive and healthy. More specifically, even sleep apnea can harm cells associated with memory and sometimes leads to actual loss of brain tissues. Try to maintain at least 7 hours of sleep in a day to keep your brain cells active and to function normally.

  1. Consuming Alcohol:

    no use of consuming alcohol

(Image Source: www.skynews.com)

According to recent study, brain cells shrink when they are exposed to alcohol, this effect can be seen more in women when compared with men.

Alcohol also helps to induce thiamine deficiency, which can lead to more serious brain disorder called Wernecks Encephalopathy.

This disease has symptoms like difficulty in moving your eyes due to nerve paralysis and problems with muscle co ordination to the point of becoming unable to walk.

7 Things That Causes Slow Brain Cell Death

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