8 Best Home Remedies For Gall Stone

Most of the time we tend to ignore certain things in our lives and make them unnoticed until they become complicated or a serious issue. One of such health conditions is gall bladder problems, we ignore it until we experience immense pain and make it impossible to stand or sit.

Most of the people, especially women are suffering with gall bladder problems these days. Well, these problems include gall stones, inflammation, infection and obstruction due to those stones.

We are going to see natural remedies to treat this condition and how to get rid of gall stones easily without any side effects.

Before jumping into the topic, just have a look on what are gallstones and causes of gallstones.

What Are Gallstones?

Gallstones are crystalline hard balls that form in gallbladder due to excess cholesterol and bile salts. These stones vary in size, from the size of grain to size of tennis ball.

Causes Of Gall Stones:

Gall stones are generally caused by the high levels of bilirubin and concentration of bile in the gall bladder.

Gall stones doesn’t cause any pain and need not be treated. But when they obstruct the bile ducts they results in causing severe pain in upper abdominal region.

This pain may last for few minutes to hours, if the gall stones are large in number then they cause pain while eating fatty foods.

However, stones can also be formed by the bile salt too. In women, hormonal changes and obesity also make a path for gallstone formation.

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How To Get Rid Of Gall Stones?

Well, surgery is the most common treatment to get rid of gall stones. Apart from this process there are simple and natural home remedies that will certainly help you in removing gall stones from your bladder.

8 Best Home Remedies For Removing Gall Stones:

The following 8 remedies will bring a significant change in your health

  1. Apple Juice For Gall Stones:


(Image source: thejuicechief.com)

Apple juice contains phytochemical compound called malic acid that helps in dissolving gallstones and reducing pain. Regular intake of apple juice will cleanse your liver and removes any debris that may remain.

What You Need To Do:

  • Drink a glass of apple juice everyday to get rid of gall stones, it’s better to make juice without peeling.
  1. Turmeric For Gall Stones:


(Image Source: www.pixabay.com)

Turmeric is known for its anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties from centuries. Adding little amount of turmeric in your regular foods enhances the solubility of bile and ensure to not form easily.

What You Need To Do:

  • Mix half teaspoon of turmeric with ½ tea spoon of honey and consume it regularly to stay fit and healthy and even to keep gallstones at bay.
  1. Lemon Juice For Gall Stones:


(Image Source: www.naturalfoodseries.com)

Vitamin C and citric acid in lemons helps in reducing the formation of gall stones and prevent them effectively.

What You Need To Do:

  • Mix one table spoon of lemon juice in a glass of warm water and drink it regularly to see excellent results. You can drink up to four glasses in a day.
  1. Coconut Oil For Gall Stones:

    coconut oil for eczema

(Image Source: www.pixabay.com)

Coconut oil is best for preventing gall stones by preventing the accumulation of unhealthy fats and bile salt in the gall bladder. This is due to essential fats present in it which can be easily digested by your liver.

What You Need To Do:

  • Warm a 3 table spoons of coconut oil and add ½ teaspoon of lemon juice, one clove of garlic, a piece of ginger and ¼ glass of apple juice.

Blend all ingredients together and drink this mixture regularly.

  1. Coffee For Gall Stones:


(Image Source: www.independent.co.uk)

Drinking coffee does not have side effects, it also helps in preventing gall stones easily. Caffeine stimulates gall bladder contraction and makes passage for gall stones easily.

What You Need To Do:

Drink a cup of hot coffee regularly.

  1. Beetroot For Gall Stones:


(Image Source: www.stylecraze.com)

Beetroot is a rich source of flavonoids, carotenoids and fiber that helps in lowering blood cholesterol and doesn’t allow gallstones to form. It also helps in improving the functioning of liver.

What You Need To Do:

Drink a cup of beetroot juice every day.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar:

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(Image Source: thrivemarket.com)

The acidic nature in apple cider vinegar will not allow the cholesterol to form gallstones and also helps in alleviating pain associated with gallstones.

What You Need To Do:

Mix one table spoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water and drink it regularly. This process will significally ease the pain within 15 minutes.

  1. Milk Thistle For Gall Stones:

milk thistle

(Image Source: www.steamit.com)

This is a natural herb that can be found in Mediterranean region. It is used for liver cleansing as well as gall stone preventing from many years. The powerful compounds in this natural herb will help in getting rid of gall stones.

What You Need To Do:

  • Take one table spoon of milk thistle and crush them and put it aside.
  • Now boil two cup of water and add crushed milk thistle and let it steep for 20 minutes.
  • Strain this herbal tea and add table spoon of honey and drink it regularly to see amazing results.


8 Best Home Remedies For Gall Stone

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