9 Foods You Should Never Eat If You Have Joint Pains

In medical terms joint pain is termed as ‘Arthritis’ and can be of different types. Mainly joint pains starts in early 40’s and if ignored it may prolong to a longer period and may even become worse.

The treatment of joint pains usually involves pain reducing pills but if you want to avoid such pills then you may need to include anti inflammatory foods in your diet to lessen the effect of pains. Following a specific diet plan and avoiding the use of certain foods can help you in relieving from the pain.

Food items that you should never eat

The following are the foods that you should avoid complety or at least minimize the usage so as to relieve your joints from pain.

  1. Alcohol

By now you were thinking that alcohol is harmful for your liver, it not only have negative impact on your liver but it can damage your bones as well. Beer contains purines and excessive consumption of beer can convert these purines into uric acid which is very injurious for the joint pains. Gluten also causes joint pains and beers contains gluten. If you are already suffering from pains then it is beat to avoid alcohol.

  1. Sugar

9 Foods You Should Never Eat If You Have Joint Pains

Sugar is the most common food that you intake on your daily basis. The sugar which we eat is processed and contains inflammatory substances which is very harmful for the one suffering from joint pains. Avoid having sugar in any form like candies, cakes ,chocolates etc.

  1. Dairy products

Use of dairy products on a daily basis is very common these days, if you want to keep your joint pain at bay then you need to avoid all kinds of dairy products. Most adults cannot digest dairy products easily, they may be unaware of this but it is a fact. Dairy products are highly inflammable so it is better to avoid it.

  1. Monosodium glutamate (MSG)

Monosodium glutamate is basically flavour enhansing agent used in most of the Chinese and some asian dishes. This MSG can trigger inflammation in your body which can cause joint pain. If you want to avoid MSG then you need to give up with  prepared soups, salad dressings, soup mixes as all these contain MSG.

  1. Refined Carbohydtares

Many studies have shown that refined carbohydrates which are present in white flour products are the main reason for obesity as well as joint pains. Products like white rice, many cereals, white potato, breads and crackers can cause inflammation which inturn may lead to joint pain.

  1. Salt

Many of the ready to use food items and sauces contain high amout of salt in order to extend their shelf life, but these preserved items can be very dangerous to your health especially when it is related to your joints. Refined salt is usually high in chemicals that can disturb the fluid balance in your body. You can use sea salt instead of refined one.

  1. Red and processed meat

Studies have shown that red and processed meat is very harmful for your heath and may even cause cancer. Red and processed meat is high in nitrate and purine which can cause inflammation in your body and may lead to pain and discomfort.

  1. Corn oil

Many of the outside food is cooked using corn oil which is rich in omega 6 fatty acids. Omega 6 fatty acids are present in soy, salad dressing, peanut, grape seed oil etc. All these foods can lead to inflammation and are harmful. You can replace omega 6 fatty acid oil to that of omega 3 anti-inflammatory oil which is present in flax seeds, olive oil, nuts etc.

  1. Tobaccao

Alcohol and tobacco both have negative health effect on you. It can  cause  number of health issues including joint pains. It is advisable to avoid them then to go for medication.

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