A Plant That Kills Cancer Cells, Stops Diabetes And Boosts Your Immune System!

The plant that kills cancer cell, stops diabetes and boosts your system is none other than “Goya” which is also known as “bitter melon”. This is mostly found in South America, Africa and Asia It comes from the cucumbitaecae family.

It is used as both food and medicine. This herb grows like a wine long chopped leaves with yellow flowers and looks like a melon with an elongated shape like cucumber.

Bitter melon has become common medicine in many countries like India, Asia and some southern parts of US.

Do you know that it contains many health benefits?

A bitter melon has bitter taste, but contains many essential nutrients. Here we will see the nutritional value of 100 gram bitter melon:

  • Vitamin C: 84 mg
  • Vitamin B 1: 0.400 mg
  • Vitamin B 3: 0.400 mg
  • Vitamin K: 4.8 mg
  • Vitamin B 2: 0.400 mg
  • Fat: 0317 g
  • Magnesium: 17 mg
  • Phosphorous: 31 mg
  • Potassium: 296 mg
  • Calcium: 19 mg
  • Sodium: 5 mg
  • Carbohydrates: 3.70 g

The unripe fruits are high in potassium and magnesium and the ripe ones are high in lectin which helps in reducing blood sugar. Consumption of this great fruit helps in removing toxins from colon, liver and reduces lung and prostate cancer.

Scientist named Dr. Frank shallenberger said that, this fruit has incredible benefits and people who are suffering from pancreatic cancer can be cured with this fruit.

He always advice his patients to trust nature and use natural products to treat sickness and get rid of many health issues.

According to his latest study, 5% solution of bitter melon juice can fight against pancreatic cancer and this fruit has the ability to destroy cancer cells by 90 to 98%.

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The result in university of Colombo shows that this fruit decreases the pancreatic tumor by 64% in size.

Researchers have confirmed that there are many benefits and powerful actions of bitter melon. Bitter melon also helps in curing some major issues like treating skin infections, diabetes symptoms, asthma, stomach problems and hypertensions.

A Plant That Kills Cancer Cells, Stops Diabetes And Boosts Your Immune System

Bitter Melon has Many Health Benefits and the Most Important Ones are Shown Below

  • The juice from bitter melon increases the stability and boosts your immune system. It makes your body more resistant against infections.
  • It cleanses and detoxifies the liver and stimulates blood circulation.
  • It helps in relieving psoriasis fungal infections.
  • Bitter melon mediates fat and glucose metabolism which helps to cure diseases like diabetes and obesity.
  • It accelerates your metabolism and improves your bowel movement, cures hangover, nourishes and cleanses the liver after consumption of alcohol.
  • It contains a component called polypeptide and charantin which helps to reduce blood sugar levels and improve glycogen synthesis and glucose uptake in the liver.
  • Consuming bitter melon juice on daily basis will help to improve your eye sight and give you relieve from vision problems. This is because bitter melon is loaded with a vitamin called beta carotene.
  • Your stamina and energy levels increase by consuming it every day.
  • This amazing and incredible fruit is rich in compound called folate which helps to reduce the occurrence of neutral tubes in new borns.

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