A Must Read, If You Use Aluminum Foil While Cooking

Aluminum foil was introduced in the early 1900, it is one of the most commonly used kitchen item. Aluminum foil is used for cooking, wrapping and it can actually treat certain health problems as well.

But it appears that the neurotoxin nature of this product has a negative effect on the brain function and it was found to encourage the onset of Alzheimer’s diseases

If you are baking fish, roasting vegetables or preparing a piece of meat for dinner tonight, chances are that you will wrap your food in aluminum foil. You may not realize, but some of the foil will leach into your meal and this could be bad for your health.

Aluminum Foil Dangers


(Image source: www.indiamart.com)

Research that was conducted with a group of colleagues has explored the use of aluminum for cooking and preparing food. Aluminum doesn’t just appear in foil, it is the most popular cookware material used by people in many developing countries.

Pots and pans are lined with aluminum and it is found in some kitchen utensils like large serving spoons. Copper was used to fulfill this role, but over time it’s been replaced by aluminum because it is cheaper to mass produce and easier to clean.

Cooking your food in aluminum pans it is not a bad thing, placing it in foil and putting it in the oven is problematic, especially spicy food that’s prepared at high temperatures.

Diseases that may be caused due to aluminum leaching are:

  • Alzheimer
  • Memory loss
  • Anxiety
  • Kidney failure
  • Asthma
  • Abdominal pain
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1.Effects Brain








(Image source:https://topclassactions.com)

Aluminum can damage your central nervous system as it has a tendency to accumulate in the brain and other tissues, making aluminum exposure a serious risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders.

The brain can store a lot of aluminum which can result in chronic fatigue syndromes and other neurological disorders Researchers have even found that the metal has the ability to reduce the growth rate of human brain cells



(Image source: www.olympuscheese.com.au)

Aluminum accumulates in bone tissue and results in weakened bones. Aluminum along with calcium interfere with bone demineralization, this leads to aluminum accumulating in the bones and high calcium levels in the blood.

Studies have suggested that high aluminum intake may be harmful to some patients with the bone disease or renal impairment. The research concluded that aluminum cookware is especially dangerous when used to prepare acidic foods such as tomatoes, which causes the metal to be leached out.


Normal lung and lung cancer illustration

(Image source:https://topclassactions.com)

Exposure to aluminum is usually not harmful, but high exposure can affect your health. Workers who breathe large amounts of aluminum dust can have lung problems, such as coughing or abnormal chest X-rays.

How can you avoid aluminum? 

Avoiding aluminum can be difficult as many processed foods use the metal during production, creating a daily source of exposure. The easy way to cut down aluminum on your daily intake is by purchasing and eating whole, organic foods. Experts suggest cooking food in cast-iron cookware and bake with glassware as a substitute for aluminum foil.


You must read, if you use aluminum foil while cooking


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