20 Amazing Benefits And Uses of Lavender Oil

Have you ever heard about aromatherapy? When you visit massage centers or spa this is very common therapy which helps you to relax your muscles.

The most important and versatile oil used in essential oils is Lavender oil. This oil is used in many ways and in many products. This wonderful oil has beneficial properties, including anti inflammatory, anti bacterial and the flora scent which help you feel calm.

How can we use lavender essential oil in your modern life?

This article provides you 20 amazing ways to use lavender essential oil in your life.

20 Benefits And Uses of Lavender Essential Oil

Even though we have many benefits of lavender oil, here are 20 best ways to use lavender oil in a perfect way in your regular life.

1. Aids Digestion

Lavender oil has the capability to balance body fat and promotes secretion for bile. If you are one of them who have severe digestive issues then infuse lavender oil in your food.This powerful oil also helps to get rid of bloating stomach, vomiting or burning sensation in your stomach.

2. Improve Concentration

Lavender helps you to promote central nervous system and removes tension and anxiety that limits your ability to focus.

3. Headache Reliever

Headache is the most common problem faced by many people and the common disorder of the central nervous system in the world according to world health organization.

Lavender oil acts best for relieving headache easily, it is also effective when it is mixed with little amount of peppermint oil and given a gentle massage into the temples behind the ears.

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4. Gives You Restful Sleep

The aromatic smell of lavender oil gives you and your children restful sleep after a stressful day. Put 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil to your pillows before going to sleep.

5. Acts As Deodorizer

Little amount of lavender oil on your clothes smells fresh and make you feel comfort.

6. Treat Insects Bites

The anti inflammatory properties in lavender oil will help to prevent insect bites on your body. It will also help you to reduce swelling and itching sensation of your skin.

7. Sunburn Relief

Lavender oil will give you instant relief from sunburns. All you need to do is add 10 drops of lavender essential oil in 3 ounces of water and pour it in a spray bottle and spray it over sun burn areas.

8. Allergy Relief

Lavender can help you to get relief from allergy symptoms like stuffy nose, itchy eyes and puffy skin. Apply 2 to 3 drops of lavender essential oil over the affected area and let it remain for few minutes and wash it off.

9. Cleans Your Home

Add little amount of lavender essential oil and little amount of vinegar along with water, while cleaning the floor of your home.

10. Relieves Nausea

20 Amazing Benefits And Uses of Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is effectively used to treat nausea and motion problems.

11. Treats Tired Muscles

Lavender oil helps to treat tired muscles after long and heavy day. Take little amount of lavender oil and massage it over your legs and hands or take a bath with lavender oil infused in water.

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12. Treats Eczema

Eczema is a common skin condition which makes you feel irritation over your skin with redness. Lavender helps you to relieve from redness and itchiness caused by eczema. It even moisturizes the skin and heals the condition.

13. Detoxify Your Skin

As soon as we step out, our skin attracts all the pollution and dust. So, clean your skin by applying little amount of lavender oil and the result may surprise you.

14. Heals Wounds

The anti septic properties in lavender oil will help to heal your wounds and cuts easily. This oil has the capability to increase cell growth and heals wounds faster.

15. Reduce Anxiety And Depression

As per several studies lavender is mostly recommended for depressed people. It has the capability to reduce stress and anxiety and relieves you from depression. It also helps to balance restlessness because of its aromatic smell.

16. Cures Dry Scalp

If you have dry scalp which leads to irritation and many other diseases. Lavender oil will help you to get rid of this condition. Apply little amount of lavender essential oil on your scalp and give a mild massage.

17. Treats Hair Loss

Maintaining a healthy and good hair has become very critical in this modern life. Improper blood circulation and dandruff are the main causes for hair loss. Regular massage of lavender essential oil will improves blood circulation on your scalp and initiates hair growth easily.

18. Treats Dandruff

Dandruff is one of the most common problem faced by many people. Lavender oil will helps to get rid of dandruff which even causes hair loss.

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Mix 10-15 drops of lavender essential oil with 2-3 drops of olive oil and heat for few minutes. Once it is warm enough then massage it for few minutes on your scalp.

Cover your head with wash cap for one hour and wash it off with mild shampoo. Regulate this process until you see beneficial results.

19. Conditions Your Hair

Regular applying of lavender oil will condition your hair and makes it look more beautiful, silkier and smoother.

20. Reduces PMS Cramps

Massage few drops of lavender essential oil on your lower abdomen or apply a hot compress on the area after applying the essential oil, it will help you to get relief from PMS cramps in women.


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