Coconut oil for Alzheimer’s

Coconut oil is one of the most common ingredients used for many purposes in our lives. There have been several researches and studies that says that coconut oil has the capability to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Do you think this is true? Does coconut oil can really prevent the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease?

Yes. Let’s see how to use coconut oil for Alzheimer’s disease and before that we need to know about coconut oil and how it is capable to treat Alzheimer’s disease.

What Is Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurological disorder which leads to death of brain cells. This is generally referred as memory loss and most common type of dementia that occurs especially at old age.

It is a progressive disease which can worsen day by day. In early stages it is very mild, but in last stages it becomes critical and make individuals lose the ability to carry on a conversation and respond to their environment.

However, Alzheimer’s disease has no current cure, but some treatment is available for reducing symptoms of this disease easily.

Causes Of Alzheimer’s Disease

Scientists believe many factors can lead to the cause of Alzheimer’s disease. Some of the major causes are shown below:

  • Genetics
  • Life style
  • Environmental factors

The cause of any of the above factor in increasing or decreasing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease may differ from person to person.

Here we go with the symptoms of this disease.

Symptoms Of Alzheimer’s Disease

The symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease develop slowly over several years. Sometimes the symptoms of Alzheimer’s are confused with other conditions such as

  • Infections
  • Allergies
  • Stroke
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Even the use of medications for other health conditions also worsen the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

We do have stages in Alzheimer’s disease which are shown below.

Early Stages Of Alzheimer’s Disease

The early stage symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease include:

  • Forgetting recent conversations
  • Less flexible and more hesitant for new things
  • Misplacing items
  • Asking questions repetitively
  • Having trouble in thinking

Middle Stage Symptoms

The middle stage symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease include:

  • Obsessive behavior
  • Restless sleep
  • Problem with language and speaking
  • Difficulty in performing multiple tasks
  • Delusions
  • Increase in confusion

Final Stage Symptoms

One should visit doctor, if he/she experiences the final stage symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease for proper medication.

In final stage stages of Alzheimer’s the symptoms become increasingly severe and distress the person with his family, friends and in his/her work place.Sometimes, people with this disease may behave violent and demanding for the people around them.

The final stage symptoms of Alzheimer’s are as follows

  • Weight loss
  • Unintentional pass of urine
  • Difficulty in moving from one place to the other
  • Difficulty in eating and swallowing

As we don’t have immediate cure for Alzheimer’s, several studies have shown that coconut oil plays major role in treating Alzheimer’s disease easily.

Is Coconut Oil Used For Alzheimer’s?

Coconut oil for Alzheimers

Coconut oil is heart healthy oil that is free from cholesterol, high fats and even provides you many benefits including your brain health.

Well, in human body insulin is a hormone which is responsible for blood sugar and glucose and this has been linked to changes in the brain associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

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Generally ketones are byproducts which help to break down the fats stored in our body. These are produced in limited amount but these rises when you undergo carbohydrate diet which may lead to condition called ketosis.

Another alternative way to increase the production of ketones in our body is to consume fats called medium chain triglycerides. These MCT is converted into ketones which can be used in the brain and other organs as fuel. These are often considered as immediate source of energy than other fats and cannot be stored as body fat.

What Researches Have Shown About Coconut Oil And Alzheimer’s Disease?

Coconut oil is considered as alternative source for producing energy to your brain cells with perfect ketogenic diet.

After several researches and studies found that  coconut oil is rich in MCT oil which is essential for removing dementia in your body.

One study have proven that the MCT oil present in coconut oil will increase production of ketones in blood which obviously lead to improvement in brain function.

Another study on 152 subjects on mild to severe Alzheimer’s disease found that supplementation of direct ketones in your body effectively increases the cognitive function of brain for about 90%.


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