Amazing Benefits Of Coriander Oil

You might have used coriander in many dishes , but do you know what this coriander is actually? Well, this is a natural herb which is also known as cilantro in Indian subcontinent and used for garnishing special dishes.

The oil obtained from coriander is loaded with numerous properties that help to maintain healthy body and help us to treat many diseases. This oil has been used from centuries for treating many ailments including poor digestion, nervous tension, low libido and gout.

Many people use this essential oil only for food flavoring, but the health benefits of this wonder and natural herb is numerous. It is also used in ayurveda and aromatically it is used as a stimulant for physical energy or relaxant for bad moods.

We are going to see all those amazing benefits offered by this coriander or cilantro oil in this article.

Amazing Health Benefits Of Coriander Oil

Take a look on those amazing health benefits of coriander oil.

1. Helps In Weight Loss

helps in weight loss

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If you are fed up with all possible methods to lose your weight, then coriander oil is best for losing weight easily. It promotes breaking down of fats and cholesterol in the body.

  • You just need to ingest 2-3 drops of coriander oil mixed with one table spoon of olive oil to reduce cholesterol regularly.

2. Improves Digestion And Increases Appetite

women holding her hands in circle shape in front of her stomach

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Coriander oil stimulates the process of metabolism and influence proper secretion of bile and gastric juices and other acids that cause trouble in digestion.

  • Massage 2 drops of coriander oil on your abdomen after having big meal to improve digestion and for increasing appetite.
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3. Purifies Blood

purifies blood

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Cilantro oil acts as detoxifier and removes toxins from your blood. It also helps to remove heavy metals, certain hormones and compounds produced by body and toxins which get into the blood accidentally.

  • Ingest 2-3 drops of coriander or cilantro oil mixed with one table spoon of olive oil regularly.

4. Controls Diabetes

controlling blood sugar level

Cilantro oil posses anti oxidative and anti hyperglycemic properties, that helps in reducing bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol in the body. It is also capable of controlling blood glucose levels in the body.

  • Add 2 drops of coriander oil along with olive oil and mixed it with your meals everyday to control blood glucose levels.

5. Reduces Pain

reduces pain

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Coriander oil contains certain compounds called terpineol and terpinolene which is effective in reducing any type of pain in your body.

This oil is effective in curing problems like toothaches, headaches, muscle and joint pains, and the pain due to injury etc.

  • Massage few drops of this oil on the affected areas for some time and let it remain. Do it regularly to get relief from pain.

6. Prevents Fungal Infections

fungal infections

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This oil is also effective in preventing fungus and bacterial from your body by its anti bacterial and anti viral properties. It also helps in reducing or preventing certain types of skin diseases that are caused due to fungal infections.

  • Ingest little amount of coriander oil mixed with olive oil, iy helps in preventing bacteria from your skin and other affected areas.
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7. Improves Mood

improves mood

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Coriander oil is considered to be a mood boosting essential oil. The oil is capable of promoting relaxation by alleviating anxiety and stress when used in aromatherapy.

  • Mix few drops of this essential oil to your diffuser or apply it to the bottom of the feet before bed.

8. Improves Appearance Of Skin

improves appearence of skin

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Coriander oil promotes healthier and clean skin because of its antioxidant properties that can prevent free radical that cause damage on the skin.

Even the powerful anti bacterial properties in coriander oil helps to prevent acne and blackheads. It can also keep excess oil at bay for a brighter and healthier complexion.

  • Just mix 2-3 drops of coriander oil in your skin toner and for moisturizer to enhance its benefits.

9. Increases Libido

increases libido

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Coriander oil makes your married life heaven by increasing libido and cures temporary impotency frigidity for both males and females and general loss of interest in sex.

  • Enjoy having 30-40 minutes of coriander oil aromatherapy session to increase libido.

10. Freshens Your Breath

freshens your breath

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The natural anti bacterial and anti fungal properties in coriander oil helps in relieving the bad odour from mouth and gives you fresh and fragrance breath.

  • Add few drops of coriander oil in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth with this mixture to freshen breath.

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