8 Best Work Out Tricks To Get Rid Of Love Handle In Just 2 Weeks

Love handle is basically the extra fat that is settled down at the sides of abdominal region. People do many exercises and go through serious diet to remove fat and maintain perfect body.

What if the best 8 workouts will help you to get rid of these love handles easily, wouldn’t you love it? Absolutely yes, there are some exercises which are targeted precisely to get rid of love handles and are very simple to perform.

We are going to see those simple and easy workouts in this article and stay fit as you wished for.

8 Best Workouts To Get Rid Of Love Handles

1. Oblique Press And Reach

This simple exercise will help to flatten your stomach and helps you get rid of love handles.

How To Do

Kneel on your left knee by keeping right foot in front of you; keep feet flat on the floor.

Then, keep your back straight and abdominal muscles tight and hold little weight in your right hand.

Now extend arm in to the right and bent to the 90 degree angle with your fist in the air.

Then reach up extending your arm in air, and bend your body towards left by touching your finger tips on the ground.

By using your oblique muscles, pull your back slowly to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions on each side.

2. Bicycle Crunches

One of the best exercises to get rid of love handles is bicycle crunches.

How To Do

Lie Down on the floor on your back, placing your hands behind your head.

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Raise your legs of about 1-2 feet above the ground.

Now, bend your right knee and bring it towards your head by twisting your body. So that your left elbow meets your right knee.

Now come back to the starting point and repeat it with the left leg, by touching your left knee to your right elbow.

Do 15-20 repetitions.

3. Side Plank Crunch

Crunches help to tone your stomach while particularly eradicating love handles.

How To Do

Lie down on the floor on side plank position.

Now, start on your right elbow and place your right foot slightly in your left. Keep your core tightens throughout the workout.

Pull your right knee towards your chest and crunch your left elbow towards it. Then bring back in to side plank position.

Do 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

4. Standing Oblique Crunch

8 Best Work Out Tricks To Get Rid Of Love Handle In Just 2 Weeks

Standing oblique crunch is a standing exercise which makes your muscles stabilize when balancing on one foot to lift the leg to crunch.

How To Do

Stand straight by keeping the legs width apart and keep your hands behind the head with fingers crossed.

Make sure your elbows are stretched on the sides.

Lift your left leg on side and bend your left elbow so that the leg and elbow touch each other.

Now shift the leg and do it again.

5. Side Planks

This exercise is great for toning your core and gives you perfect shape with the modifications you need.

How To Do

Just perform side plank with your right elbow supporting your body and left elbow on the hip.

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Make sure that your body is straight and hold on that position for 40-50 seconds.

Then repeat it with your left hand side.

Do 10-12 repetitions by shifting the sides of your body.

6. Wood Choppers

Wood choppers are easyto do and targeted especially on abdominal region.

How To Do

Using one weigh hand, and keep your legs apart of hip width by carrying weight in your left hand.

Now, hold the weights in both the hands up to your left shoulder.

Twist your body to make a chopping motion down to your right hip by allowing your feet and knees to pivot with the twist.

Then, raise the weight back up to the left shoulder and do 20 repetitions then shift to other side.

7. Total Body Toning Exercises

Total body toning exercises like yoga and Pilates will help the toning of whole body and help to strengthen your muscles and make them strong.

Yoga workouts are best to get rid of love handles easily and these are beneficial for those who do not want to be tagged bulky or round.

8. Aerobic Exercises

Aerobic exercises like jogging, cycling, biking, walking or even kickboxing help to get rid of love handles. All these exercises are considered as cardiovascular exercises to maintain your overall health. 30 minutes of any of these exercises will burn fat easily and to tone your abdominal region easily.


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