Apply Coconut and Essential Oil on Your Hair to See Amazing Results in a Week

Many of the people are tired with their dry and brittle hair. I think you are also one of the person suffering with this problem. One of the main  Reasons behind this problem is that you are not drinking enough water.

Water helps to keeps entire body healthy, including your hair and skin.

Apart from drinking plenty of water you should also consume lots of healthy food, and also use natural hair products instead of using traditional items which are full of chemicals.

One of the healthy natural hair products is coconut oil. It contains high amount of antioxidants & provides antifungal, antiviral & antibacterial effects.

Coconut oil helps to boost your hair growth and also removes dandruff. Using shampoo, gels, and spray will fight against fungus and infection. One of the best items you can use is cheap food grade coconut oil. In fact this oil is best for your hair & skin.

Best uses of Coconut Oil for your Hair

  • By using this coconut oil your hair may become lush, shiny, manageable and strong.
  • Take the healthy food that keeps your hair strong.
  • Coconut oil has a natural way to help your hair grow longer, and make thicker.
  • Most of the vitamins and fatty acids found in coconut oil helps your hair to make strong.

Benefits of using Coconut Oil to your Hair

Coconut oil has high amount of natural saturated fats. These saturated fats not only increase the healthy cholesterol in your body. But also increase the bad cholesterol into good cholesterol. By increasing the high density lipoproteins [HDL] in the body, it helps to promote healthy heart and lower the risk of heart diseases.

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How to use Coconut Oil for a Healthy and Beautiful Hair

Apply Coconut and Essential Oil on Your Hair to See Amazing Results in a Week

Here iam going to show you some tips how to use this coconut oil:


  1. 4 tea spoons of organic coconut oil.
  2. 2-4 drops of tea tree oil.
  3. 3-4 drops of rosemary oil.
  4. A brush or cotton ball.
  5. Plastic wrap [plastic cover].


  1. Mix the ingredients together and with the help of a brush apply on your scalp. Do this with circular motion while pressing the brush. Do this as a massage.
  2. This continuous treatment will improve your blood flow in the scalp and removes the dry and flaky skin.
  3. Next you have to massage your scalp and wrapping your hair in the plastic wrap. Do this for 15-20 mints; this wrap will keep the moisture, preventing the mixture from dripping.
  4. Finally wash your hair with shampoo.

Continuous wrap treatment:


  1. 2 tablespoon of lemon juice.
  2. 4 table spoon of coconut oil.
  3. 1 tablespoon of grape fruit juice.


  1. Mix all the ingredients and repeat the same procedure as before.
  2. Don’t forget to wash your head with shampoo.
  3. Add this simple scalp treatment to your beauty regimen, you will have a stronger and shiner hair with in a weak.

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