How to Use Cornstarch for Athlete’s Foot

athletes foot

Unhygienic habits leads to various issues, athlete’s foot is one among them. This ailment is triggered by fungus, which grows rapidly in moist environment. You can reduce the state of infection by using cornstarch for athlete’s foot.

Most people misunderstand that only athlete gets athlete’s foot. This uncomfortable condition is often accompanied by itchiness, peeling of skin and redness. Tight shoes and most environments help fungus to spread the infection. Men get affected more than women.

To get rid of athlete’s foot and to stay away from chemical filled creams, experts recommend cornstarch mask. There are bunch of home available remedies to thwart this infection, however I’ll be discussing about this particular remedy in this post.

Cornstarch is prominent for its culinary purposes, I too love chicken coated with cornstarch. Indeed, there is a long list of uses apart from cooking. Its absorbing property makes it easy to wipe impurities and absorb excess oil over the skin.

Rub cornstarch between toes and over the feet. To be creative experts recommend excellent procedure to use cornstarch for athlete’s foot.

  • Preheat oven for 325 degrees.
  • Take 6-8 tablespoon of cornstarch in a plate.
  • Place this cornstarch container in the preheated oven for few minutes.
  • Alternatively, you can heat the cornstarch over stove.
  • Rub the heated cornstarch over feet and toes.
  • Leave it for 15-20 minutes and the brush with towel.

Dry the feet if you want to wash them. Remember to clean your hands with mild soap.

Moist and warm places attract fungi. You must take utmost care to keep the moist away from your feet. Don’t share your partner’s socks or shoes. Wash your socks & shoes regularly.

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When you wash your feet or after bath, dry the feet completely using towel. Another simple yet effective remedy is to sprinkle some baking soda in your shoes, so that anti-fungal agents kill fungi and restrain infection. To remove odor wash your feet in lemon water mixture.

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