Eat 1 Spoon Of This Every day To Get Younger And Glowing Skin Complexion At Any Age

Who doesn’t want to look younger and attractive? But it is not easy for everyone due to a lot of factors like ageing, lifestyle ups and downs, stress, diseases etc. If you are also worried about your look and skin complexion, here is a wonderful remedy for you.

You can get much younger and glowing skin complexion at any age using this anti-aging powder. Here is how.

Eat 1 Spoon Of This Every day To Get Younger And Glowing Skin Complexion At Any Age

How to prepare the magical anti-aging powder?

Ingredients you need:
  • 125 grams watermelon seeds.
  • 5 tbsp sesame seeds.
  • 2 tbsp powdered rock sugar or normal sugar.
  • 1 tbsp cardamom powder.
  • ½ tbsp cinnamon powder.
Method of preparation:
  • First of all, add 125 grams of watermelon seeds and 5 tbsp sesame seeds to a saucepan. Roast them without oil on a high flame for 3-4 minutes with proper stirring. Then turn off the flame.
  • Transfer the roasted seeds into a blender and add 2 tbsp powdered rock sugar or normal sugar, 1 tbsp cardamom powder and ½ tbsp cinnamon powder.
  • Blend the mixture for a few minutes or until all the ingredients combine properly.
  • Eat this anti-aging powder every day early in the morning and see the results within a few weeks.

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How does this all-natural anti-aging powder work?

As you already know, this mixture is prepared with some amazing ingredients. Here is a little analysis of the benefits of each of them.

  • Watermelon seeds: Watermelon is packed with a lot of health benefits. It is a great source of water and can keep your body and skin hydrated. Not only the fruit, but watermelon seeds are also known for positive effects on the skin. It is packed with phosphorus, potassium, sodium, manganese, iron and zinc. If used regularly, watermelon seeds can be the perfect tonic for your skin.
  • Cardamom: Allergies are chiefly responsible for making your skin dull and unhealthy. And cardamom is an excellent spice known for its antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Keeping the skin allergies at bay, it can give your skin a healthy and attractive texture.
  • Sugar: Skin hardness or roughness makes your skin look bad. And when it comes to skin lightening, sugar becomes one of the top home remedies.
  • Cinnamon: The antimicrobial and antiseptic properties of cinnamon make it a potent natural remedy for almost all types of skin problems. Besides, it contains antioxidants that are known for neutralizing the toxic reaction under the skin layers.
  • Sesame seeds: Sesame seeds are packed with anti-aging properties. These little seeds can reduce the skin inflammation thanks to the natural antioxidants present in them. Besides, these seeds can also protect your skin from free radicals and UV rays.
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Getting back your natural glow and texture can be effortless thanks to this all-natural yet so powerful anti-aging powder. All the ingredients used in this powder have their own benefits. So, prepare your own anti-aging powder at home and take yourself to your younger best.

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