Fenugreek for Diabetes

Fenugreek is a fragrant plant which is having many uses; Fenugreek is used in cooking as a key ingredient of curries and also other Indian recipes, as well as it is used in the medicinal.

The plants that are extensively grown in the South Asia, North Africa and also in other parts of the Mediterranean are having some small round leaves and also it is producing the long pods that are containing the characteristic sour tasting seeds.

These plants leaves are moreover sold as a vegetable like sprouts, micro green and fresh leaves usually known as methi, or as an herb (dried leaves), while the seeds are used in both whole and in the powdered form as a spice.

fenugreek leaves

As well as being a popularly known cooking ingredient, fenugreek has a number of health benefits and it is used in both traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic.

How does Fenugreek affect the Diabetes?

Fenugreek seeds are highly in the soluble fibre, which is helping in lowering the blood sugar by slowing down the digestion and also in the amalgamation of the carbohydrates. This is suggesting that they might be effective in treating the people with the diabetes.

Numerous studies have been approved out to investigate the potential anti diabetic benefits of the fragrant fenugreek.

A number of clinical trials are shown that the fenugreek seeds can be helping to improve the most metabolic symptoms that are associated with both Type 1 and also the Type 2 diabetes in the humans by lowering the blood glucose levels in the body and also in improving the glucose tolerance.

fenugreek for diabetes

The researches in one of the study in India have founded that if we are adding 100 grams of the defatted fenugreek seed powder to the everyday routine diet of the diabetic patients with the insulin dependent Type 1 diabetes considerably will be reducing their fasting blood glucose levels and improving the glucose forbearance in the patient’s body it also helps to lowering the total cholesterol, LDL or bad cholesterol and triglycerides.

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Fenugreek seeds are very rich in source of the antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. This is helping to protect the body’s cells from the damage that is caused by the unstable molecules known as free radicals.

In another guarded trial, that is incorporating the 15 grams of the powdered fenugreek seeds into a meal eaten by the patients those who are suffering with the Type 2 diabetes reduced the rise in the post meal blood glucose, though a separate study founded that taking 2.5 grams of the fenugreek two times a day for 3 months which will lowers the blood sugar levels in the people with the mild but it is not severe to Type 2 diabetes.

Fenugreek and Diabetes

Fenugreek seeds may be obliging to the people who are suffering from the diabetes. These fenugreek seeds are containing the fibre and also the other minerals that might slow the digestion and the body’s absorption of the carbohydrates and sugar.

Fenugreek seeds

These seeds may also help to get better how the body uses sugar and increase the amount of the insulin unconfined. Few studies have also supported that fenugreek as an effectual treatment for the convinced conditions. Many of these studies focus on the seed’s capability to lower the blood sugar in people with the diabetes.

One of the studies founded that a daily dosage of 10 grams of the fenugreek seeds soaked in the hot water might be helping to control Type 2 diabetes.

Another study recommended that eating parched goods, such as bread, made with the fenugreek flour may reduce insulin resistance in people with Type 2 diabetes. Supplementary study has showed that the taking of the high dosages of fenugreek every day for several weeks causes conspicuous improvement in the plasma glucose levels.

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But long term plasma glucose levels weren’t measured in this study. The National Institute of Health sates that this point the evidence is weak for the fenugreek’s capacity to lower blood sugar.

How to Use Fenugreek for Diabetes

1 Speak to your doctor earlier than adding Fenugreek to every day diet

Fenugreek is interacts with a variety of the medications that are prearranged for the diabetes as well as some of the blood thinners for the reason , it is necessary that you should check with your doctor first before adding fenugreek to your routine. It may also mess about with the medications that you are taking help in treating the diabetes as well as other conditions.

  • Constantly confirm with your doctors first before adding or discontinuing any medication or supplement.

2 Consider the dose range for the Fenugreek

The suggested dosage for the fenugreek is between 2.5 to 15 grams every day. So it is most important to confirm with your doctor about your intentions and ask the doctor for a suggestion based on your weight and the other factors. You may also feel like to consult a knowledgeable herbalist.

  • The mainly widespread dose used in the studies was 12.5 grams of the powdered fenugreek which have taken tow times in a day by the people. Some studies have also shown benefits from taking only 2.5 grams two times in a day.

3 Choose a high quality Fenugreek supplement

Some people, who do not like the taste of the fenugreek seeds for them there are capsules are also suggested by the doctors, if you are choosing to take fenugreek in the supplement form, make sure that the product you choose is of high quality.

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4 Add Fenugreek to food

The people who does not like the taste of the fenugreek and they might be option to adding the seeds of fenugreek to the food, You can hunt for the recipes that are including the fenugreek or simply sprinkle the seeds on your food as a garnish. Keep in mind that you should still follow your doctor’s suggestions for the healthy eating.

Whenever fenugreek is added to the food you must see before it that, it should be 15 grams dosage as suggested by some of the studies.

5 Drink Fenugreek with hot water

Making a fenugreek tea seems to produce the best results according to some of the studies. One study showed no momentous results for patients who took fenugreek with the yogurt, at the same time those who took fenugreek with the hot water have experienced significant improvements in the blood sugar levels.

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