Foods That Effects Thyroid Health For Good As Well As Worst

Do you know that it is very important to maintain thyroid health in your body? Thyroid is often considered as a butterfly shaped gland which is located just below base of your neck.

It plays major role to regulate your metabolism, temperature and heartbeat and more. If this gland fails to produce enough thyroid hormone it may lead to several health issues like depression, sluggishness, weight gain and increased sensitivity to cold.

Even over active thyroid also lead to many health issues like weight loss, irregular heartbeat, sweating and nervousness.

Why foods are important to maintain your thyroid health? Food that we take plays a major role in proper functioning of thyroid because it heals. If you are undergoing or dealing with thyroid trouble, then here is the list of foods that affects your thyroid health.

Foods That Are Good For Thyroid Health

  1. Yogurt

Dairy products are well known for their nutrient rich characteristics. Well, yogurt works magic for thyroid diet. Yogurt is rich source in iodine including number of probiotics which helps in improving thyroid function.

It also helps to fight off against stomach infections to fulfill the body’s requirement with required amount of vitamin D and Iodine.

  1. Milk

Milk is one of the best products to maintain thyroid health. This is especially good for those who are suffering with underproduction of thyroid hormones.

Consumption of one cup of milk regularly will give you required amount of iodine and vitamin D and helps the body to metabolize fat faster.

  1. Eggs

Being a good source of selenium and iodine, eggs take care of and work efficiently to maintain thyroid health. Regular intake of eggs in your diet will also help to eliminate fat deposits that result from malfunctioning of thyroids.

  1. Chicken And Beef

Zinc is one of the micro nutrients essential for maintaining healthy functioning of thyroid glands. Often, the reduced intake of zinc influence thyroid such as hypothyroidism.

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Chicken and beef are rich in zinc and amino acids that help in dealing with thyroid problems. 3 ounce serving of chicken and beef contains 7 and 2.4 milligrams of zinc.

Foods That Are Worst For Thyroid Health

  1. Sugar

Excessive intake of sugar in your diet will also lead to thyroid condition called hypothyroidism. Artificial sweetened beverages often lead to stomach infections and production of harmful pathogens inside the body.This will lead to pampering of thyroid hormones in your body. Therefore sugar must be avoided in your regular diet.

  1. Gluten

Foods That Effects Thyroid Health For Good As Well As Worst

Gluten sensitivity is the important and notable factor when your thyroid health is concerned. Eliminating gluten completely from your diet will improve the functioning of thyroid.

When the immune system start producing anti bodies that harms thyroid hormones, thyroid malfunctioning becomes obvious. Consuming gluten will initiate autoimmune reactions and worse the condition of thyroid.

  1. Processed Foods

Processed foods are rich in Tran’s fats which are responsible for disrupting the production of thyroid hormones. The people who are taking medicines of thyroid glands must avoid consuming processed and fried foods.

  1. Soy

Soy has the ability to suppress the functioning of thyroid gland. It is powerful than we think and one of the worst foods for thyroid, it even damages your metabolism.

Even a small serving of soy has severe affect on your thyroid functioning, so avoid soy in your regular diet if you are undergoing thyroid treatment.

  1. Coffee

Caffeine has the ability to over stimulate the thyroid and interferes in the absorptions of nutrients that could benefit in proper functioning of thyroid gland.It’s better to limit caffeine intake in your diet to protect your thyroid in all the ways you can.

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