How to Get Rid of Age Spots Naturally and Instant?

Do you know why age spots appear on face, neck, hands and other parts of the skin and make the person looks older than their age?

Are you looking for some home remedies to get rid of age spots by natural and safe methods, then, must read this article to know about the causes, symptoms, and prevention of this dermatological problem.

This is not due to aging, infact, it occurs due to prolonged exposure to sun and its harmful ultraviolet rays,  stimulates the melanocytes which increases melanin production in the skin.

It attributes to dark skin patches commonly known as brown spots, age spots, dark spots, sun spots and sometimes liver spots. However, these spots are mostly harmless to the body but make the people unattractive.

What is the cause of age spots?

If you really want to get rid of age spots naturally then first understand the immediate cause of its occurrence.

In a recent research, scientists of American Academy of Dermatology found the specific cause of the appearance of age spots. According to them, prolonged exposure to the sun results in deposition of melanin a pigment found beneath the skin, accounts for the appearance of age spots on the skin.

Besides it, lack of physical activity, poor diet, and impaired liver functions are some other important causes lead to age spots.

What is the best treatment to get rid of age spots?

Most people are eager to know about the best treatment of age spots. They also get puzzled with cosmetic and natural treatment? But doctors advise always to go with the natural treatment as it doesn’t cause any side effects and adds to the beautiful and flawless skin.

Cosmetic Measures to get rid of age spots

If you are a working person or do not get time to apply natural remedies on the skin, then go for cosmetic measures. Some of them are listed here.

1. IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)

It minimises age spots and thus releases of melanin are diminished. It stimulates the production of collagen.

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2. Chemical peels

In this process,acid is applied to the top layer of skin to stimulate new collagen production and thus pigmentation is reduced. This treatment is beneficial for wrinkles as it constitutes Vit A and C thus reduces brown spots.

How to get rid of age spots instantly?

How to get rid age spots naturally

Here I am mentioning some of the home remedies which are easily available and can be used to get rid of age spots. Let’s have a look and choose which suits you best.

1. Lemon Juice

  • You would be happy to know that the lemon juice contains citric acid a natural bleaching agent which exfoliates the skin, reduces the age spots and adds skin glow.
  • It can be used by softly dabbing lemon juice onto the spots directly twice a day regularly. Leave the lemon juice on the skin for about 30 minutes and you will find improvements in your skin after 15-20 days.
  • If you are going outside, let the juice dry as it can increase the skin’s sensitivity to exposure to sunlight.
  • This is advised not to use bottled lemon juice as it may contain other chemicals which can harm the skin. The experts give the reason behind it the potential of citric acid gets minimised when stored in the bottle for a longer duration.

2. Apple cider vinegar

  • You can also use apple cider vinegar to reduce the age spots as it contains natural alpha hydroxy acids, which combats against harmful ultraviolet rays and provide a shield to the skin.
  • As the name indicates it is acidic in nature, to minimise it olive oil can be mixed which provides protection against the dryness of skin.
  •  You can apply this solution on a regular basis on the skin and remove it after 20 minutes.
  • It will make your skin soft and smooth.

Note: – If your skin is too sensitive or if you find redness or irritation on your skin, dilute it with water.

3. Onion Juice

  • Onions are the best choice to remove age spots.
  • Onions have an antiseptic property as sulfur compounds are present in it.
  • Few organic acids in onions facilitate exfoliation. Take a slice of some onions and rub it over the affected area twice a day.
  • If you don’t want to use onion directly then mix one tablespoon of onion juice with two tablespoons of honey to moisten the skin and to diminish the pungent smell of onion.  Apply the mixtureto the affected area and leave it for about 10-15 minutes. Wash the face properly.
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4. Papaya

  • Papaya the yellow color fruit is of great use. It contains antioxidants which fight against free radicals and protects the skin from environmental toxins.
  • Alpha hydroxy acids and certain enzymes are present in papaya aids in exfoliation of skin reduce age spots, skin blemishes, acne and other skin issues.
  • Yellow fruits contain beta-carotene a precursor of vitamin A makes skin radiant.
  • The pulp of papaya can be used by cutting into small pieces and applied on the face as the mask for 15-20 minutes for better penetration of enzymes in the skin. Rinse the face to remove the pack.
  • Note: Those who have a sensitive skin do a 24-hour patch test before applying this natural remedy.

5. Buttermilk

  • With the help of a cotton swab dipped in buttermilk, apply it over the affected area then rinse it. If your skin is too oily or if you have acne problem then mix a little tomato or lime juice in the buttermilk for better effect.
  • As it contains lactic acid which removes dead skin cells. You can also make a face pack by simply adding oatmeal in yogurt or buttermilk and let the mask for 20 -30 minutes and wash the face after it.

6. Aloe vera

  • Aloe vera has multiple benefits mostly used for skin ailments.
  • You have not to work hard to apply it, just take a slice of aloevera and spread the gel over the face.

7. Sandalwood

  • Sandalwood has anti-aging properties used for removing wrinkles and age spots. Massage with 2-3 drops of sandalwood oil on the age spots.
  • This powder can be mixed with glycerine, lemon juice or rose water and apply this mixture on the face for 20 minutes.
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8. Tomato

  • Tomato is rich in lycopene, acts as an effective cleanser and remove age spots.
  • This is a rich source of antioxidants and vitamin C.

9. Watermelon

  • Watermelon is a summer fruit easily available in the market at a reasonable price. Slice of the fruit can be rubbed on the skin to eliminate age spots.
  • This fruit is rich in water content, keeps the skin hydrated and glowing.

10. Cucumber Juice

  • If you use the cucumber in your diet but you are unaware of its beauty facts. Then let me introduce the beneficial effects of it. Slice of cucumber is very soothing to the skin and helps in reducing the signs and symptoms of it.
  • Cucumber has bleaching properties,due to the presence of organic compounds helps in minimising age spots.


Now we reached a conclusion that age spots can be managed by preventing its cause. To protect ourselves from direct exposure to sun and its harmful ultraviolet rays is the primary aid.

Melanin a pigment secreted in the skin due to prolonged exposure to sun, faulty dietary habits, no exercise, digestive problems may contribute to age spots.

The age spots will not disappear in a day or a week, you have to follow any of the remedies mentioned above according to your choice and skin tolerance.

For the better effect, you can use one of the remedies regularly according to the guideline discussed for a beautiful and glowing skin.

Dear readers, have you ever used any home remedy to get rid of age spots that I have not discussed in this article? Send home remedies which you use, and share with us so that our readers can get optimum benefit of it.

Hope you liked this article and your valuable suggestions and advise, are always welcome. Feel free to ask any queries.

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