6 Unexpected Side Effects Of Basil

What Is Basil?  (Tulsi)

Basil or Tulsi is basically a herb which has got amazing health benefits. Basil is also used by pharmaceutical companies  in making medicines. Since decades Basil has been used as one of the home remedy to treat medical conditions.

But there is something else you need to know more about basil. This plant has some side effects too. What are they? Let’s see in this below article.

6 Side Effects Of Basil or Tulsi

6 Unexpected Side Effects Of Tulsi

1. Eugenol Overdose

  • Eugenol is the main ingredient of basil.
  • It is found that excess consumption of basil can lead to Eugenol overdose.
  • Excess of eugenol consumption can be poisonous.
  • This is also found in cigarettes & some food flavorings.

Symptoms With Excess Consumption Of Basil

  • Blood during coughs.
  • Rapid breathing.
  • Blood in urine.

2. Blood Thinning

Basil has the property to thin your blood in body. Make sure to avoid taking along with anti clotting medication.

  • The people who are prescribed  blood thinning medication, such as warfarin & heparin should avoid taking basil.
  • Basil can intensify the blood thinning properties of the prescribed drugs.
  • It can more over lead  to severe complications.


  • Bruising or prolonging period of bleeding .

3. Hypoglycemia

It is a situation or period to get low levels in blood sugar. Though  it is not a disease, but it is a kind of health problem.

  • Mostly we see now a day’s people who are with high blood sugar they use tulsi to lower their blood sugar levels.
  •  People who are with diabetes or hypoglycemia and are under medication consume tulsi, it can lead to excess reduction in blood sugar.
  • This is one of the worst side effects of tulsi, that you need to be aware of that.
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  • Paleness, dizziness, hunger, weakness, irritability.

4. Might Impact Fertility

Tulsi may cause sterility in males. A test was conducted on male  rabbits.

  • Rabbits were separated into 2 groups.
  • Group I (Control) was maintained on standard chow diet, whereas
  • Group II (Test) was administered the same diet that the control group rabbits received along with oral supplementation with 2 g fresh leaves of tulsi daily for 30 days.
  • After 30 days, blood samples were taken from the pinna vein for assessment of hormone levels from both groups.
  • A major decrease in the sperm count of test group II rabbit was noted.

5. Reactions In Pregnant Women

The pregnant women who has habit of eating tulsi, should avoid eating tulsi because it is dangerous for pregnant women and as well as for your baby. Eating basil can also lead to more dangerous while child birth or menstruation.


  • It can cause back pain, cramps, and also diarrhoea and bleeding.

6. Drug Interactions

Basil may also interfere  with the drugs, how our body processes.

  • This treatment is done by using Cytochrome P450, the liver enzyme system.
  • As a result, the drug level in blood might increase or decrease.
  • Here are 2 drugs (Diazepam & scopolamine) that may help you to decrease vomiting, nervousness, and anxiety respective.
  • Tulsi may also reduce the loss of memory effects caused by these two drugs.


  • Heartburn, light headache, headache and nausea.


Any substance, whether it is natural or artificially,  definitely it has side effects. It may work like a curing process or it can affect your body.

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If you are thinking to take basil next time, make sure to consume it in moderation.

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