How to Tame Frizzy Hair Naturally

Having frizzy hair is sometimes considered as a hindrance in beauty. When you have curly hair it looks like dull and it will be very difficult to style your hair.

The main reason for frizzy hair is lack of moisture but humidity. No matter how  you suffer from frizzy hair, you can use a variety of common ingredients from your kitchen to treat the problem with simple, natural remedies.

Tame Frizzy Hair Naturally

  • Select a sulfate free glycerin packed shampoo.
  • Don’t skip conditioner.
  • Use a hydrated mask once a week.
  • Let your hair dry for 80-90% of the way before you blow
  • Brush your hair regularly to help distribute its natural oil.
  • De- frizz hair by putting it in a bun after it’s dry or defining your waves with a curling iron.
  • Tame frizzy, thick, coarse, and curly hair with a cream hydrator and a diffuser.
  • Throw a product in your purse for touch-ups.
  • If you get caught in the rain and your hair poufs out, hair serum will be your BFF.
  • Use hand or body lotion to tame a frizzy ponytail.
  • Put product in your hair prior to your workout.
  • Sleep in a silk scarf if your hair is super textured.

Life Changing Ways to Tame Frizzy Hair

What causes frizz?

When your hair gets damaged or dried up, the outer layer of the hair allows moisture to pass through and swell your hair stands. Here are some recipes that instantly makes your hair smooth and thick.

  • Wash your hair less often so its natural oils can do their things:
  • But when you wash your hair, end with a deep conditioning treatment.
  • Or create your own DIY coconut oil hair mask for some seriously soft hair.
  • Use Sulfate Free Shampoos.
  • Repeat the same products without alcohol.
  • For small area of frizz, use a mascara wand and hair spray.
  • Use a flat iron with teeth for extra straightening power.
  • Make sure to avoid towel rub.
  • If you have curls, pop a diffuse  on your hair dryer.
  • Resist the urge to touch your hair.
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Home Remedies For Frizzy Hair

Let’s see the top 5 home remedies for frizzy hair:

1. Carbonated Water

  • Carbonated water such as club soda, soda water is one of the best option to treat frizzy hair at home.
  • Mostly carbonated water is made by using pressure to dissolve carbon dioxide gas in water.
  • This type of water contains low pH levels that fight against frizzy caused by humidity.
  • Simply rinse your hair with carbonated water after each regular shampooing .
  • This will soothe and tame the frizz.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Apple cider vinegar is another effective ingredient to prevent frizz hair.
  • The acid in apple cider vinegar will soothe out the frizz & give new life to your dull hair.
  • Take apple cider vinegar and mix equal amount of water into it, to reduce its acidic properties use it as a last rinse after washing & shampooing your hair.
  • This simple remedy will make the hair frizz less & also add shine to your hair.
  • You can repeat the same process every 2 or 4 weeks.

3. Avocado

  • Avocado has high amount of vitamin E, it helps to tame you frizz.
  • Apart from the amazing hydrating benefit, avocado also has the good kind of fatty acids that assist soothe frizzy& unruly hair.
  • Take 1 ripe of avocado, and mash it.
  • Add little amount of olive oil to it and mix well.
  • Shampoo your hair & then apply the mixture throughout your hair.
  • Let it dry for 20-30 minutes, and then rinse it out with cold water.
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How to Tame Frizzy Hair Naturally

4. Bananas

Banana is also a great source for hair conditioning, because they are rich in natural oils, potassium, carbohydrates, and vitamins.

  • Take one ripe banana & mash it, with a fork until there are no lumps. Mix in 1/4th cup of yogurt.
  • Then add 2 tablespoons of honey and olive oil. Apply the mask on your hair and scalp.
  • Place your head down the shower cap & leave it for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair & then shampoo and condition as usual.
  • Repeat the same process once in a week.

5. Coconut Milk

Coconut milk has the ability to moisture treatment for frizz hair.  You can take coconut milk from nearby the market.

  • Take 2 table spoons of coconut milk in a small pot and then apply heat until it warm .
  • Make sure it does not get too hot and burn.
  • Apply the warm coconut oil on your head and cover your head with a towel.
  • Leave it for overnight.
  • Next morning, wash your hair with shampoo and make it to dry naturally.
  • Repeat the same process twice a week to see amazing results in your hair.

6. Beer

It consist of amazing properties, it can restore moisture in your hair. It consist of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, & antioxidant that your hair needs. Make  sure to use dark beer for obtaining best results.

  • First you need to apply beer on your hair and allow it to dry for few mins.
  • Subsequently, rinse it with cold water.
  • Repeat the same process once in a every 2 weeks.
  • Another recipe is you can mix equal amount of beer, shampoo, and conditioner.
  • Be relevant the solution on your hair.
  • Make sure to leave it for few minutes, & then rinse it with cold water.
  • Repeat the same process once every week to see amazing results.
See also  Jojoba Oil for Hair Loss


Cold water is supposed to help close the hair cuticles. which makes it less susceptible to frizz, and adds shine to your hair.

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