Get Rid of Insomnia with This Incredible Technique

Insomnia is a grave problem, it has become more common these days. Many of our friends or family members are effected by insomnia. It affects most people at some point in their lives. When you lay on the bed with heavy, tired eyes and even if you do everything possible to make your mind to sleep, but you completely fail to fall asleep.

The most important thing that humans need is sleep, it helps to restore energy & maintain your body in good condition of balance & efficiency. Emotional tension, anxiety and negative feelings during the day may disturb your sleep.

Luckily, one of the scientists has found a best way to help us to get rid of this stressful situation. This remedy shows us that we can sleep in less than one minute.

This technique is called 4-7-8 breathing technique of yoga & we can try this remedy anytime, anywhere; according to the doctor, we will manage to fall asleep in 60 sec.

How to do this?

Step #1

Place the tilt of your tongue against the palate (just above the teeth). Your tongue will remain there throughout this exercise.

Step #2

Exhale completely & only through your mouth. Breathing must be strong so as to take out a whizzing every time.

Step #3

Close your mouth and inhale slowly through your nose, counting silently to 4 (must be one inspiration). Hold your breath to the count of 7. Then exhale completely through your mouth (powerful) counting to number 8.

Step #4

Repeat this cycle, starting with inspiration for a total of four breaths.

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 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Insomnia

  • Take a bath or hot shower and relax.
  • Play your favorite music softly.
  • Stop using electronics in the bedroom.
  • Make sure that you go to bed three to five hours after having a light dinner.
  • Make sure that your bed is comfortable and there is no direct light shining on your face while you sleep.
  • The ideal temperature to get a good night’s sleep should be no higher than 68 F.
  • Try not to think.

Here are some useful things you can use to get rid of insomnia (without taking drugs) 

A simple technique you can use to remove insomnia within a few nights. A really useful course & an unexpected idea.

Valerian Root

This is said to help who suffer with insomnia to sleep better. Do your own research before using this type of course.


This hormone is said to help you sleep better when taken in small doses.

Warm Milk 

Take a glass of warm milk before going to bed. It is good way to put you into sleep mode.


Ginseng root is one of the oldest sleep remedy in the book and has been used for more than 2,000 years.


Magnesium can be found in foods like almonds, cashews, buckwheat, walnuts, garlic, avocado, and etc,


Beside from smelling pretty damn heavenly, lavender has been used throughout history to help with insomnia.


It has a muscle relaxant like magnesium, but also a mood enhancing affect. Both helps you shift gears so you relax and prepare to sleep.

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Kava Kava

This large shrub is used to treat anxiety, stress and restlessness, which all contributes to you annoying insomnia.

Passion Flower 

It sounds like an aphrodisiacs, but only if what you lust after is REM cycle (not the Michael stipe kind)

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