Lip Scrub without Honey – 7 DIY Methods

The skin over lips easily gets dried up, if we don’t moisture them. A squash layer of dead cells will be piled over the lips. If you are sensitive towards honey or don’t want to apply over lips make your own homemade lip scrubs without honey.


1 Sugar & Olive Oil



  • Take 1 tea spoon of sugar.
  • Take few drops of olive oil.


  • Take sugar in a bowl & add few drops of olive oil to it.
  • Olive oil helps your lips to hydrate & also makes easy for you to apply sugar.
  • Smoothly rub the lip scrub over chapped lips and rinse it off with water.
  • Don’t peel or bite dead skin over the lips.
  • Apply moisturize or lip balm after rinsing it with water.
  • Repeat the same process once in a week.

2 Lip Balm & Sugar


  • Take your favorite lip balm.
  • Take 1 table spoon of sugar.


  • Take both the ingredients and make it to mix together.
  • Gently rub it over the lips.
  • At first, you can try with small amount of lip balm.
  • The most amazing thing is you can try with different flavor of lip balm on your lips.
  • Repeat the same recipe twice in a week.

3 Brown Sugar & Vanilla Lip Scrub


  • Take 2 table spoons of brown sugar.
  • Take ¼ tea spoon of vanilla lip balm.
  • Take 1 table spoon of olive oil.


  • Take all ingredients in a bowl and mix them thoroughly.
  • Apply it over your sensitive lips.
  • Subsequently, rinse it with water.
  • Apply natural moisturizer like olive oil or lip balm on your lips.
  • Repeat the same process twice a week.
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4 Coffee , Olive Oil & Sugar Lip Scrub


  • Take ½ cup of grounded coffee.
  • Take 2 table spoon of olive oil.
  • Take ¼ cup of sugar.


  • Take all the ingredients in a bowl and mix them thoroughly.
  • Smoothly rub it on the chapped lips.
  • Subsequently, rinse it with normal water after 5 mins.
  • Repeat the same recipe twice in a week.

5 Lemon Sugar Lip Scrub

lip scrub


  • Take ½ tea spoon of sugar.
  • Take required amount of lemon juice.


  • Mostly lemon juice is famous for reducing dark spot and treat acne.
  • We can use this juice for our lips.
  • Make lemon into slices and sprinkle sugar over it.
  • Now, rub the sprinkled sugar over the lips.
  • Alternatively, mix glycerin, lemon juice and sugar in a bowl and apply it over lips.
  • Repeat the same process twice in a week.

6 Lemon & Mint Leaves


  • Take 1-2 drops of lemon juice.
  • Take required amount of mint leaves.


  • These both ingredients are well known to have bleaching effects and can effectively remove dead cells.
  • Mash fresh mint leaves and add 1-2 drops of lemon juice over it.
  • Apply the mixed mint paste over your lips.
  • Subsequently, rub over your lips for 5 mints.
  • Repeat the same process once in a week.

7 Cucumber


  • Take 1 cucumber.


  • Take cucumber and make it into small pieces.
  • Pick one of them and rub over your lips.
  • Mostly we all know that cucumber consist of water and it is easily hydrates your lips.
  • Repeat the same process every day to destroy the dead cells from your lips.
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