5 Surprising Reasons Why Having a Cat is Good For Your Health

Have you ever heard of any health benefits, that too just because you are owning a cat ? Probably no. Then you must read the complete article to know surprising benefits of having pet in your home.

Compared to dogs, cats do not require any special attention from us to care them always. Owning a cat will benefit your health in numerous ways.  Doesn’t matter, whether you want an introvert or a friendly lovely cat, the companionship and the love between you and your pet will help you to maintain good health.

Let’s see 5 surprising benefits of health by just having cats in your home. I am damn sure; you will not step back to have a cat in your home after seeing these benefits.

5 Surprising Health Benefits By Having Cat In Your Home

1. Protecting Your Heart From Strokes

According to a study, the cat owners have less chance to be at risk of having stroke when compared with other pet owners. Pet owners will have very low chance to have cardiac attacks when compared with non pet owners. They tend and seem to be healthier especially in maintaining the condition of their heart.

2. Lowers Blood Pressure

You might think how we can control our blood pressure just by having cat in our home.

According to a study on cat owners, they were asked to speak aloud as much they can which naturally increased their blood pressure level. Then immediately asked them to speak with their cats but their blood pressure remain constant.

3. Cats Are Good For Your Kids

Kids love to have fun with animals, it’s quite common. Not only cats help your children to interact and be friendlier with others, they will benefit your children’s health in long term.

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According to an article by johns Hopkins stated that, having cat in home reduces the chance of developing allergies. If the children are more exposed to allergens at young age, then they are less likely to become allergic in their old age.

4. Reduces Stress And Anxiety

5 Surprising Reasons Why Having a Cat is Good For Your Health

Owning a cat will trigger calming chemicals in the body that helps us to reduce stress and anxiety. Cats are often known for low maintenance, so simple pet session will prevent all worries around you and make you feel relaxed.

5. Improve Your General Health And Happiness

Reports from the journal of the royal society have concluded that, the pet owners would be happier and will have very less visits to doctors when compared with non pet owners.

A cat may cost you in food and time, but see the benefits and imagine how much you could be saving from doctor’s visit.

Apart from these surprising 5 benefits, you may also have other benefits of having cats in your home which includes:

Some More Health Benefits Of Having Cats

  • It provides companionship and never makes you feel alone. Even though cats are known for their independence they help to reduce your loneliness.
  • Naturally reduces the cholesterol levels.
  • Cats will enhance the ability of owner to socialize in different fields.
  • Boosts your immunity by fighting against number of infections and bacteria in your body.
  • Cats help you to teach empathy.

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