Ways To Keep Breast Cancer At Bay

One of the worrying things spreading around the world these days is breast cancer. The word cancer itself gives us sleepless nights. Fighting against this disease with courage will help you to stay strong and be positive, millions of people are fighting against this disease, you are not alone anymore.

However, here are best ways to keep yourself away from the occurrence of breast cancer by following them.

8 Ways To Keep Breast Cancer At Bay

1. Keep Your Weight In Check

It’s very easy to tune out your weight regularly. As we know being overweight will lead to cause of many diseases which will put us in risk.

Even several studies revealed that, women with higher weight gain are more prone to the risk of breast cancer. Always maintain healthy weight for leading healthy life.

2. Regular Exercise

Regular exercise benefit you in multiple ways, from protecting your heart from stokes to maintaining healthy body for the years to come. When it comes to breast cancer, exercising regularly will strengthen your immune system and keeps you in perfect shape to avoid all types of cancer cells in your body.

3. Follow Healthy Diet

If you want to maintain healthy weight, then it’s important to watch what you eat. However, no particular diet can reduce the risk of breast cancer, so you just include healthy food in your diet and avoid eating sugar and processed foods in excessive amounts.

You should also try to eat fruits and vegetables that are rich in a compound called luteolin, it may kill breast cancer cells.

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4. Limit The Consumption Of Alcohol

However, you don’t need to cut alcohol completely from your life. You just need to limit the consumption. No wonder, excessive consumption of alcohol is linked to seven different types of cancer occurrence.

5. Increase Your Vitamin Intake

Ways To Keep Breast Cancer At Bay

Some vitamins in your regular diet plays major role in preventing the occurrence of cancer and keeping it at bay. For example certain studies have concluded that, vitamin C have positive effect on breast cancer risk. Even vitamin D also helps you double in chance in surviving breast cancer.

6. Stop Smoking

Even though, smoking is not linked to increase the risk of breast cancer. Several researchers have suggested to stop smoking to prevent breast cancer completely.

7. Meditation

Meditation will provide you peace physically and mentally. It’s been proven that stress loweres the resistance of diseases and meditation will lower the levels of stress in your body. So, try to involve in meditation for at least 15-20 minutes in a day which will help to fight against breast cancer.

8. If At Risk Consider Preventative Medication

There are several medications that target specific hormones and block some of the effects of those hormones on the cells and their relation in the risk of breast cancer. However, targeting specific hormones has been shown successfully to decrease the risk of cancer. But it all depends on other health factors of the patient.


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