10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Tiger Nuts

Nuts! Tastes yummy and one of the healthiest snack one would have in their daily snack time. Have you ever heard about tiger nuts? No? then this article is for you.

Tiger nuts are one of the ancient nuts that are extremely popular especially in western hemisphere. These aren’t nuts, they are tubers that grow under the soil’s surface. These are also called as tiger nusedge, earth almond or yellow nutsedge.

According to several studies, these nuts have numerous health benefits and do wonders in our life. If you want to get over cardiovascular diseases or if you lack in fiber in your body, you should definitely include these nuts in your diet.

10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Tiger Nuts

Here are 10 amazing health benefits of tiger nuts.

1. High In Fiber Content

Tiger nuts are packed with high content of fiber. According to a study in 2009 by university of Miguel Hernandez, it was found that 100 g of tiger nut flour contains more than 60 % of dietary fiber. This is very high when compared to other popular fiber sources such as cabbage, oatmeal, chia seeds, peers, apples, carrots and jack beans. It also acts as an appetite suppressant and helps to control your body weight too.

2. Lowers Blood Pressure

Tiger nuts are heavily loaded with number of amino acids where arginine plays a major role. Arginine helps to maintain the width of blood vessels and ensure normal blood flow. It even provides solutions for certain conditions caused due to restricted blood vessels which include heart failure, artery diseases, muscle aches, headaches and chest pain.

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3. Controls Diabetes

Tiger nuts will help to regulate blood sugar levels in diabetic patients, due to the presence of dietary insoluble fibers in it. Consuming these nuts will be very helpful in controlling diabetes.

4. Boosts Good Cholesterol

The oleic acid in tiger nuts reduces the production of bad cholesterol and increases the body’s high density lipoproteins which is nothing but good cholesterol.

5. Rich In Vitamin E And C

10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Tiger Nuts

Recent studies have concluded that tiger nuts are rich in vitamin E, C, potassium and even phosphorous, which are helpful to your body. Mixing a glass of tiger nut milk with yogurt of cow’s milk has been found to be exceptionally high as it contains the essential vitamins and other nutrients.

6. Good Source Of Magnesium

Magnesium is essential mineral to maintain healthy immune system and for proper functioning of muscles and nerve system. Tiger nuts are natural source of magnesium, it helps in regulating heart beat and for good blood pressure levels.

7. Rich In Vitamin E

Tiger nuts are also good source of the antioxidant called vitamin E. This vitamin plays major role in protecting your body against free radicals and prevent certain types of coronary diseases including cancer.

8. They Contain Healthy Fats

Tiger nut milk is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which makes it an food especially for diabetes patients.

9. Potassium Booster

Tiger nuts are also rich in potassium and mineral, it is very important in maintaining healthy functioning of every cell and organ in our body, especially heart. Potassium is also essential to have proper regulation of muscle contraction, digestive functions and blood pressure levels.

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10. Aids In Digestion

According to a study, tiger nuts are also capable of treating all types of digestive issues such as upset stomach, irritable bowels. They have been used in traditional medicine as a remedy for several ailments that includes flatulence and diarrhea.


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