Home Remedies for Acid Reflux in Babies

Acid reflux is a common problem in adults due to which they find uneasiness and burning or piercing pain in the chest. This is not prevalent only in adults, in fact, infants are more prone to suffer from acid reflux, accounts for spit up from the mouth.

If a baby is spitting up constantly, signs of poor growth, recurrent vomiting, blood in stool etc.

And these signs and symptoms if persist indicates a serious medical problem like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) cause poor growth in children. Are you also looking for home remedies for acid reflux in babies then must read this article.

What is the cause of acid reflux in babies?

In newly born baby the muscle is not advanced or mature between the oesophagus and the stomach, hence food contents of the stomach often flow backward easily.

Some other causes of acid reflux are premature born as digestive organs are not fully developed or able to function efficiently.

If a baby is fed only on a liquid diet may be a cause of acid reflux in infants. If your baby is growing well then there is no stress but if your baby is spitting up and growth is not according to the age and is no active can cause a stress line. But in such case seek proper counseling from a doctor.

Signs and symptoms of acid reflux

  • If your baby cries or feels uncomfortable after eating.
  • If the baby is coughing or choking regularly.
  • If baby refuses the milk bottle.
  • Spitting on food after eating.
  • Resist lying on back.
  • If bowel movements are gassy and foamy.
  • Inactive, uncomfortable
  • Sign of wheezing, or breathing difficulties
  • Burps, hiccups or sour breath.
  • Spitting of food and vomiting in a projectile manner.
  • Inability to gain weight
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Home remedies for acid reflux in babies

Home Remedies for Acid Reflux in Babies

Here I have enlisted top 10 home remedies for acid reflux in babies so let’s have a look

1. Sleeping Adjustments

Babies suffering from acid reflux find difficulty in sleeping. According to doctors incorrect sleeping position and timing can aggravate the condition.

  • Try to keep elevated about 30 degrees the head of your baby’s crib, and bed with the help of some towels. It works in the way, when baby’s upper body is elevated, gravity works and restricts the backward flow of food contents in the oesophagus from the stomach.
  • Alternatively, try to make your baby sleep on the left side or on the back so that acid will be cleared from the oesophagus.
  • Try to hold the baby upright after feeding for about 15-20 minutes.

2. Massage Therapy

Massage therapy can be of great help for a baby who has acid reflux as it helps in effective functioning of respiratory and digestive systems.

  • Regular massage stimulates the nerve in the brain i.e. vagus nerve which controls functions of respiratory and digestive systems.
  • Massage helps the body to prevent acid reflux symptoms.

3. Some Exercise

If you want that your baby body would combat with acid reflux, then you should try some basic movement exercises which improve digestion.

  1. Keep the baby in a lying position.
  2. Try to hold legs with your hands in a half-bent position.
  3. Softly move your baby’s legs just like bicycle riding.
  4. Try this session for 5-10 minutes, twice a day.

Note: Remember to not feed your baby after exercise until 30 minutes and never feed just before movement exercise.

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4. Apple Cider Vinegar

If your baby is experiencing acid reflux then apple cider vinegar is the best home remedy. This maintains the acid level in the body which helps in proper digestion and prevents spiting of food.

  1. Take apple cider vinegar and a glass of lukewarm water.
  2. Add ¼ teaspoon of unfiltered apple cider vinegar with lukewarm water.
  3. Feed your baby 1-2 spoonfuls of this solution twice a day.

5. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil acts as an anti-inflammatory agent thus in habit inflammation caused by reflux. This aids in lubrication of digestive system thus prevents reflux.

This contains a compound lauric acid which acts as an antimicrobial fatty acid boosts the immune system.

  • Add 1 teaspoon of coconut oil to baby food or drink twice a day.
  • A mixture of coconut and ginger oil is very effective for acid reflux. Rub it on baby’s stomach clockwise for 1-2 minute twice a day.

6. Chamomile

Chamomile is a wonderful home remedy have antispasmodic and sedative properties.This helpsin proper digestion and provide relief from colic pain.

  • Add ½ or 1 teaspoon dried chamomile flowers in hot water.
  • For 5-10 minutes steep the weak tea.
  • At last strain,it and cools it down.
  • Feed your baby 1-2 teaspoon of this weak tea twice a day for better result.

7. Ginger roots

Ginger root is one of the perfect choices for acid reflux in babies as it improves the function of digestive system. This can be given in form of weak tea, or powdered form can be used.

But it is better to seek advice from doctors before usage.

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8. Lavender and aniseeds

A combination of lavender and aniseeds is a good remedy for acid reflux as it enhances the digestive process in babies.

  • Take a mixture of lavender and aniseeds and dilute in water.
  • Give 1-2 teaspoon of the solution to your babies.

9. Healthy food

Some foods help in combating with acid reflux while some foods may acts as irritants, hence the choice of foods should be judicious.

  • Try to feed healthy food to your baby as they are very delicate and their digestive system can’t take a load of inflammatory foods.
  • Give your baby fruits like papaya and bananas as they are soft and easily digestible food which prevent acid reflux in infants.
  • You can also feed them vegetables like carrots which is a source of beta-carotene and also keeps the acid reflux at bay.

10. Baking soda

Baking soda is one of the widely used home remedies for infants which helps in neutralizing the pH content thus reliefs from acid reflux.


Home remedies listed above helps in preventing acid reflux in infants and coconut oil, baking soda, chamomile tea etc. have an amazing effect.

Dear readers, feel free to ask any queries regarding the article.

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