Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Banana Flower

Every one of us are aware about the amazing benefits of banana, it is helpful in many of the health issues faced by us.

It doesn’t stop here, even the banana flower has incredible features and is enable of treating many health problems.

Ailments that can be treated with Banana Flower

  • Treats constipation
  • Cures ulcer
  • Enhances uterus
  • Helps in treating anaemia
  • Best food for lactating mothers
  • Best food for diabetic patients
  • Regulates kidney function
  • Controls high blood pressure
  • Balances menstrual cycle

Benefits of Banana Flower

Banana flower should not be used for mere decoration purpose, it gives multiple health benefits.

The following are Benefits of Banana Flower :

  1. Diminishes free radical activity: your body might be at trouble, sometimes serious due to the presence of free radicals. Banana flower contains antioxidant properties as it is rich in methanol. In a way it helps your body from getting damaged due to free radicals. Banana flower also deals with problems like cancer and premature aging.
  2. Treats diabetes and anaemia: banana flower is the best food for anaemic and the one suffering from diabetes. Regular use of banana flower in the diet can control the blood sugar level as well as it increases the haemoglobin level in body.
  3. Cures infections and wounds: banana flower contains ethanol extracts which help in treating infections. The growth of pathogenic bacteria is constrained by the use of banana flower. It can also inhibit the growth of malaria parasite; however this is yet to be proved.
  4. Reduces menstrual bleeding: menstrual periods, especially the first three to four days are very painful for women. Some suffer from severe stomach pain while for some women excessive bleeding is the problem. Most women cannot step out of their homes or even cannot leave their bed. However these problems can be dealt by a cup of cooked banana flower along with yoghurt.
  5. Rich source of healthy nutrients: banana flower is the rich source of vitamin A, C and E.  It is also enriched with potassium and fibre making it a rich source of healthy nutrients.
  6. Reduces anxiety: it you are depressed and feeling low then the best way to boost your mood is banana flower. Do not go for anti depression pills just try banana flower it will boost your mood and reduce anxiety.
  7. Rich source of milk for breast feeding mothers: lack of sufficient milk is the major problem faced by breast feeding moms. Here is the solution to it. Banana flower helps in boosting the supply of milk to lactating mothers.
See also  Green Tea for Diabetes

Banana Flower Recipe

Here is the simple banana flower curry which you can try out.

  • Heat a pan and put some oil, preferably vegetable oil
  • Add few mustard seeds
  • Now add chopped onions and green chillies and fry them for 2-3 minutes
  • Now add chopped banana flower along with salt, turmeric, black pepper, coriander powder, curry leaves
  • Add some water in it and cover the pan for few minutes
  • After it is cooker sprinkle some coriander leaves and enjoy.

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