Home Remedies For Blood Circulation In Legs

Do you find your hands and legs often turning blue due to cold? Then you might have poor blood circulation in your body. Don’t panic, this condition can be controlled easily just by following natural home remedies.

Before that, let’s see briefly about poor blood circulation, its symptoms and causes along with home remedies.

What Is Poor Blood Circulation?

Blood circulation in our body is controlled by the cardiovascular system. It helps to flow nutrients, proteins and oxygen to different parts of the body. When the blood flow in specific parts of the body is reduced, then you will experience poor blood circulation.

Symptoms Of Poor Blood Circulation

The following symptoms may appear when you are experience poor blood circulation in your body.

  • Numbness and tingling sensation in certain parts
  • Cold hands and legs
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Hair loss
  • Muscle cramps
  • Pain in the legs
  • Irregular heart beat

Causes Of Poor Blood Circulation

There are many factors that contribute to poor blood circulation in our body, especially in legs.

Some of them include:

  • High cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure
  • Nerve disorders
  • Food allergies
  • Narrowed blood vessels

Poor blood circulation also leads to failure of lungs and kidneys and even brain and limbs. It’s very important to take proper care when you experience the above symptoms.

Home Remedies To Improve Blood Circulation In Legs

Here are the best and simple ways to improve blood circulation in your legs.

1. Massage

Massaging is the best way to improve blood circulation in your legs. Regular massage will help to move blood from the congested areas and dilate the blood vessels, which often result in proper flow of blood.

  • Take little amount of olive oil or coconut oil or any essential oil and warm it at room temperature. Now apply this oil on your legs and massage it for some time.
  • After few minutes, take warm bath. Enjoy massage few times in a week.
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2. Exercise

Regular exercise will help you get rid of many health issues including poor blood circulation in your legs. Running, jogging, walking will help to improve circulation in your legs and there is no need to perform rigorous weight lifting exercises.

  • Walk for about 30 minutes regularly, 5 times a week.
  • Make a habit of jogging, swimming and other simple exercises.

3. Ginger

Ginger is considered as one of the effective remedy for many ailments. It also helps to stimulate blood flow and strengthen arteries and capillaries.

The anti oxidant components in ginger called gingerols and zingerone results in warming effect of your body and promotes blood circulation in your legs.

  • Include slices of ginger in your regular diet; the best way to consume ginger is by having ginger tea.
  • You can also directly chew little pieces of ginger regularly.

4. Green Tea

The anti oxidants properties in green tea will help to regulate proper flow of blood in all the parts of the body including your legs. This will also help to boost the nitric oxide levels in the blood that promote circulation of blood in your legs.

  • Consume more than 3 cups of green tea per a day.

5. Avoid Alcohol

Home Remedies For Blood Circulation In Legs

Excessive consumption of alcohol may also lead to poor circulation of blood in different parts of the body. Consumption of alcohol may also lead to many health issues apart from poor blood circulation.

  • Always remember to consume it in moderate amount and try to avoid alcohol with high sugar content.

6. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the effective remedy to treat many skin and health conditions. The anti inflammatory and anti biotic properties in coconut oil will help to regulate the blood flow in your legs.

  • Massage your legs with little amount of coconut oil for few minutes and leave it for about 1 hour.
  • Repeat this process regularly to obtain better results.
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7. Drink Lot Of Water

The major cause for poor circulation of blood in your legs is not staying hydrated all day long. Most of the people do not drink enough water or they aren’t aware of how much water they should drink.

  • It’s necessary to drink enough amount of water for proper blood flow in your body. You should drink up at least 8-10 glasses of water every single day to stay fully hydrated and keep your blood circulation properly.

8. Hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy is another effective natural therapy to improve blood circulation in your body. It helps to dilate the blood vessels and thus promote the blood flow.

  • Enjoy having warm bath, steam bath or sauna few times in a week.

9. Turmeric

Turmeric is an extraordinary spice which has many medicinal properties and has been used from ages to treat many conditions. The amazing chemical compound called cur cumin helps to prevent blood platelets from forming clots and reduce plaque buildup in the arteries.

  • Take a glass of warm water and add one table spoon of honey and one tea spoon of turmeric and then mix it well. Drink this mixture twice a day.
  • You can also include turmeric in your regular diet in number of salads, delicious recipes.

10. Dark Chocolate

According to a study conducted in American journal of heart association, dark chocolate will improve the blood circulation in your legs as it has affecting bio chemicals that prevent arteries to widen.

Try to eat a small piece of dark chocolate regularly. Remember to choose dark chocolate which has 70 percent of cocoa content.

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Points To Remember

  • Do not sit or stand for long hours.
  • If you have a habit of smoking then quit smoking immediately.
  • Limit your salt consumption
  • Try to eat protein rich foods
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Do, dry skin brushing to remove dead skin cells which smoothens the circulation in your body

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