Ways To Reduce White Hair Naturally

Change of your hair color is a common issue when you are at your old age. But these days even teens from 20’s to 30’s are also facing this condition. There are many reasons behind this condition, it may be lifestyle we follow or the food habits we have, whatever may be the reasons nobody wants to look weird by having white or grey hair on their head.

Having grey hair makes us to loose confidence in us. Many people will try to pluck out white hair when they suddenly see in between black hair, but this is not the exact solution. Because, plucking one hair lead to growing of more. Never ever do that to reduce white hair.

If you really want to reduce white hair naturally without using any chemical hair products then read on the complete article to know your solution.

This article covers causes of grey or white hair and how to reduce white hair naturally.

Causes of White Hair

Hair color mainly depends on the production of protein called keratin, deficiency in this protein often results in change of hair color.

The following are the causes for decrease in the production of melanin.

  • Genetics
  • Hormonal changes in your body
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Using chemical hair products like shampoos, conditioners etc.
  • Medical condition like deficiency of any vitamin will also lead to graying of hair.
  • Extrinsic factors like pollution, dust and exposure to certain chemicals.

How To Reduce White Hair?

Here are some simple ways to reduce production of white hair which gives you natural look with beautiful black hair.

See also  Using Olive Oil for Grey Hair

1. Curry Leaves And Coconut Oil

Curry leaves are rich in antioxidants which help to moisturize your scalp and prevent dead hair follicles. It also helps to provide dark texture to your hair.

You Need

  • Handful Of Curry leaves
  • 4 table spoons of coconut oil

You Need to Do

Boil handful of curry leaves in coconut oil for about ten minutes. Let it cool down to room temperature and Strain the oil.

Now, apply this oil on your hair and leave it for about 3-4 hours. Do this twice a week.

2. Coconut Oil And Lemon Juice

Coconut oil will stimulate hair growth and moisturizes your hair. The anti oxidant and acidic properties in lemon will help to remove dead skin cells and promote natural color to your hair. This combination will help to prevent the premature graying of hair.

You Need

  • 3 table spoon of lemon juice
  • 2 table spoons of coconut oil

You Need To Do

Mix these two ingredients well in a small bowl and apply this solution on your scalp. Massage it for some time and leave it for more than 30 minutes.

Finally rinse it off with cool water and a mild shampoo. Repeat this twice in a week.

3. Black Tea

The anti oxidants in black tea will replenishes the hair and inhibit the growth of white hair. It also helps to darken the color of your hair and add shine to it too.

You Need

  • 2 table spoon of black tea
  • One cup of water

You need to Do

Boil this tea in a cup of water, until it is brewed. Let it cool down to room temperature once it is brewed.

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Strain the solution and apply it on your scalp and massage it for some time.

Leave it for about 30 minutes or an hour, then wash it off with mild sulphur free shampoo.

4. Onion Juice

Ways To Reduce White Hair Naturally

Onions are scientifically proven to reduce hair fall. It even reduces the occurrence of white hair and strengthens hair from roots.

You Need

  • 3 table spoons of onion juice
  • 1 table spoon of olive oil

You Need To Do

Mix three table spoons of onion juice with a table spoon of olive oil and then apply this mixture on your scalp.

Massage it for few minutes and leave it for about 30-45 minutes and then wash it off with mild shampoo.

You can try this remedy regularly for beneficial results.

5. Henna

Henna is best for reducing white hair on your scalp. This is a natural product that helps to cover up the appearance of white hair by adding rich reddish tone to your hair.

You Need

  • 5 table spoons of henna powder
  • 2 table spoon of instant coffee
  • 1 cup of water

You Need To Do

Brew the coffee in a cup of water and slowly pour the brew in henna powder by constantly mixing it to avoid formation of lumps.

Now, apply this paste over your scalp by sectioning your hair and leave it for about 3-4 hours.

Wash it off with warm water and mild sulphur free shampoo.


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