Amla and Henna for Grey Hair

Natural graying of hair can’t be stopped. Hair and skin are your two aspects of your body that projects you as an elderly person. Luckily you can use amla and henna for grey hair. Let’s discuss more about it below.


Every women yield to have luscious appearance, and research backs this statement. Study carried out among 2,000 adults and 200 teenagers concludes that on average women spend 55 minutes a day before mirror. Further report says 78 percent teens aren’t happy with their appearance. (Source)

Who doesn’t love to have a glimpse of their enticing look? But, things go wrong when you see a grey hair.

Few decades ago, grey hair was a symbol of elderly and intelligent person. Unfortunately, now even teens are facing this cosmetic issue. Premature-graying of hair is mainly caused due to genetics, low nutritious food and vitamins.

Let me write down few more points about grey hair before discussing about the recipe.

Your body produces melanin, a pigment responsible for skin and hair color. Melanin production is directly proportional to your hair color. Factors like age, genetics and lack of nutritional diet decreases melanin, thus graying your hair.

Chemical filled hair dyes can give you an instant appealing hair color, but ingredients residing in the product may trigger allergic reaction. Whereas, home remedies like amla and henna are safe and cost effective.

Causes of Grey Hair

The following are main causes for turning the natural color of your hair.

  • Heridity
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Excessive exposure to sun
  • Unclean scalp
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Chronic diseases
  • Use of chemical rich hair products
  • Regular use of straighteners
See also  How to Use Henna to get Rid of Grey Hair - DIY Method

Benefits of Amla and Henna for Grey Hair

  • In India we use amla for culinary and herbal purposes. Nutrients in amla increases blood circulation, remove dry flakes from scalp and help to produce more natural oil by opening pores.
  • Rich concentration of vitamin C in this oil strengthens hair and its antioxidants fight toxins that cause grayness. Antiviral and antimicrobial activity of amla restrains ailments.
  • Since ages henna is known for its cooling effect. It strengthens your hair and makes it look glossy.
  • Unlike chemical dyes, henna turns your grey hair to natural color without any side-effects.
  • Not just for grey hairs, you can use this hair mask to remove dandruff and stop hair fall.

How to Use Amla and Henna for Grey Hair

You can use one of the below mentioned remedy to treat grey hair.

  1. Amla to Treat Grey Hair

    Amla or Indian gooseberry is an ancient remedy to treat grey hair and to fortify the roots. It helps in stopping premature graying of hair. Amla can be used in the following ways.

  • Take few amla and remove seeds from it. Make a paste of it and apply it all over the scalp and let it remain for 30 minutes. Then rinse off with normal water and use mild shampoo.
  • Take 1 cup of coconut oil and mix 1-2 table spoon of powdered gooseberry in it. Now heat this mixture for few minutes. Apply it once it is cool enough. Best time to apply it is at night and then shower the next morning.
  • Take some 4-5 gooseberry and make small pieces, dry these in a shade. Oil these pieces along with coconut oil until gooseberry turns dark. Apply this oil regularly.
  • For conditioning your hair and make it shiny and bouncy, soak dried goose berry in water for overnight. Rince your hair with this excellent hair tonic and see the results.
  • Apart from applying amla, consuming amla juice regularly will also give best results as it prevents premature graying of hair.

2. Henna to Treat Grey Hair

Amla and Henna for Grey Hair

Henna is an age old remedy to treat grey hair. This is one of the safest natural remedy to treat grey hair. Henna hair mask can be prepared in the following ways.

  • Take 1-2 cups of henna powder, depending on your hair length. Combine this along with a cup of yogurt, some coffee powder and 2-3 spoons of mint juice. Apply this mask evenly by covering entire hair and allow it to sit for 2-3 hours. Then wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner.
  • Castor oil is also helpful in treating grey hair, when combined with henna it gives excellent results. All you need to do is mix 3-4 tablespoon of castor oil along with henna powder (as required) and 3 tablespoon of lemon juice. Combine this well and apply on your hair and wash your hair after 2-3 hours.
  • Premature graying of hair can be stopped by following this remedy. Boil a cup of coconut oil along with henna leaves. Boil until the leaves become dark. Apply this mask on hair and wash away with normal water.
  • Mustard oil is also proved to be beneficial for hair as well, boiling mustard oil along with henna leaves will treat grey hair and improves your hair quality.
  • Mix henna powder, one egg, half a cup of tea(without milk) and lemon juice. Rest this mixture for half and hour and then apply it on your hair. Leave it for 2 hours and then wash your hair.

Diet Tips for Grey Hair

Apart from following home remedies to treat grey hair you must concentrate on what to eat and your life style as well, as these are also very crucial in maintaining healthy hair. The following food items should be included in your diet.

  • Vitamin B: Foods that contain vitamin B are, liver, green leafy vegetables, meat, poultry, eggs, banana, whole grain bread and yogurt.
  • Iodine: This is present in fish, spinach, banana and carrot.
  • Selenium: Some of the food items that yield selenium are Brazil nuts, soya beans, salmon. shell fish, tuna fish, sunflower seeds, walnuts etc.
  • Copper: Copper rich foods include egg York, crabs, mushrooms, almond, cashew nuts, sunflower seeds, spinach and green turnip.
  • Water: Proper hydration is very essential for all the minerals to reach out to your hair follicles. Inadequate water in your body can lead to damaging your hair which can be gray hair, damaged and dry hair etc.


Note: Patch test before trying any remedy, as the ingredients in the mask may trigger allergic reaction.

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