10 Home remedies For Eczema

There is no doubt in saying eczema is one of the most common skin disorder faced by many people around the world, more than 34 millions are suffering with this disease in USA. This skin problem makes us uncomfortable and irritable all day long.

So, how to get rid of this condition? Even though we have many medicines to treat this condition, but those are filled with chemical products which can worsen the symptoms. But you can easily get rid out of this frustrating condition easily by following home remedies.

We came with wonderful 10 natural home remedies to treat eczema easily. Before learning about remedies, let’s see what are the causes and symptoms of this condition too.

What Is Eczema?

This is chronic skin infection which is also known as atopic dermatitis. This condition develops rough, scaly and itchy feeling on your skin. In some cases, blisters may also appear on your skin. This condition is totally linked with your immune system which flares up occasionally.

Symptoms Of Eczema

The following symptoms can be seen on your skin when you are attacked with eczema.

  • Skin becomes dry
  • Redness over the affected area
  • Swelling
  • Flaking
  • Blisters on skin
  • Cracked skin
  • Crusting of rashes
  • One or more round areas with lesions

It even affects on different parts of the body like, hands, ankles, back of the knees, neck and upper chest.

These signs and symptoms may differ from one person to other, so please be careful in identifying these symptoms to diagnose easily.

Causes Of Eczema

There are various factors that trigger this condition. Some of them as follows:

  • Allergies
  • Environmental Irritants
  • Sweating
  • Emotional Stress
  • Skin Irritants

10 Home Remedies To Treat Eczema

1. Cucumber

Cucumber is one of the great vegetable and watery fruit which is very helpful to treat any type of skin condition. The anti inflammatory properties of cucumber makes it most effective ingredient for treating eczema.

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  • Few cucumber slices
  • Water

Directions To Use

Soak cucumber slices in water for about 1-2 hours. Then strain the water and apply it on the affected area and wait until it gets dry.

Now rinse it off with normal water and repeat this process for more than 3 times in a day to get affective results.

Alternatively, you can also use the slices of cucumber to treat eczema. Put the slices of cucumber in refrigerator for 30 minutes and place it on the affected area and leave it for 15 minutes, repeat 3-4 times a day to get desired results.

2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has the capability to reduce skin irritation and prevent spreading of infection on your body. Due to its anti inflammatory, anti bacterial and anti oxidant properties it also helps to reduce bacteria, viruses and fungi. It also helps to reduce the discomfort caused by eczema.


Little amount of coconut oil

Directions To Use

Take little amount of coconut oil in your hands and apply it on the affected area. Now, massage the affected area gently for few minutes and leave it for few more minutes until it penetrates inside your skin. You need to apply regularly to see amazing results.

3. Witch Hazel

The anti inflammatory properties in witch hazel makes it an excellent remedy for treating skin irritation and swelling. It is also helpful to reduce redness and swelling due to eczema.


Cream Which Contain Witch hazel

Directions To Use

Just apply or dap this cream gently on the affected area, well the cream containing witch hazel has phosphatydylcholine which is effective as hydrocortisone. Always choose witch hazel which is alcohol free, because it may lead to occurrence of more dryness over your skin.

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4. Lavender Essential Oil

As per study lavender essential oil will help to reduce pain and discomfort caused by eczema. This wonderful essential oil also helps to reduce the skin irritation and inflammation apart from uplifting your mood.


Little amount of lavender oil

Directions To Use

Apply little amount of diluted lavender essential oil on the affected area and massage it for few minutes gently. Then rinse it off with normal water.

5. Turmeric

10 Home remedies For Eczema

Turmeric has been widely used for treating many skin disorders and infections from ages. The cur cumin content in turmeric will help to reduce the infection, irritation and redness over your skin and gives you instant relief.

The anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties in turmeric also help to treat inflammation and prevent spreading of bacteria on skin.


2 table spoon of milk

One table spoon of turmeric

Directions To Use

Mix one table spoon of turmeric with two table spoons of milk to form a paste. Now apply this paste on affected area twice daily, until you see reducing redness and itchiness on skin.

Alternatively, you can also mix tea spoon of turmeric in a glass of boiling water and let it cool at room temperature. Now drink this mixture daily for inner healing.

6. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is loaded with numerous properties which makes it an effective treatment for eczema. The anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties in aloe Vera extract will soothe the itching as well as burning sensation. The antimicrobial properties help to prevent further skin infection.


  • Vitamin E oil
  • 2 table spoons of aloe vera extract

Directions To Use

Mix Aloe Vera extracts with few drops of vitamin E oil and apply this gel directly on affected area. Allow it to dry on its own and wash it off with warm water.

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Follow this process twice daily for few days.

7. Oatmeal

The anti inflammatory, anti bacterial and soothing properties of oatmeal makes it effective for treating eczema and its symptoms. It also helps to reduce itching and pain associated with eczema.


  • 1 Cup of oatmeal

Directions To Use

Pour this one cup of oatmeal in bath tub and allow it to soak for 15 minutes and have a warm bath. Gently dry your skin using a clean towel and rub with a mild moisturizer on your skin afterward.

8. Raw Honey

Raw honey is loaded with number of beneficial properties and acts as anti bacterial humectants.


  • 2 table spoons of raw honey

Directions To Use

Apply raw honey directly on the affected area of the skin and leave it for more than 15 minutes. Then rinse it off with warm water. Repeat this process for 3 times in a day for several days until you see beneficial results.

9. Tea Tree oil

Tea tree oil is effective in treating skin infections. It has anti septic, anti fungal, anti microbial properties that combat skin inflammation and irritation.


  • One table spoon of coconut oil
  • Ten drops of tea tree oil
  • 1 table spoon of extra virgin coconut oil

Directions To Use

Mix all ingredients in a bowl and store the mixture in a sealed container. Apply on the affected area of your body twice a day until symptoms disappear.

10. Chamomile Oil

The anti inflammatory properties of chamomile oil will reduce the occurrence of itching, redness, inflammation and swelling.


  • Table spoon of chamomile oil
  • One table spoon of olive oil

Directions To Use

Mix one table spoon of olive oil with few drops of chamomile oil. Now apply this mixture on the affected area and rub gently for 5-10 minutes. Repeat 2 times a day until you achieve desired results.


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