Home Remedies For Loss Of Taste And Smell

Are you one of them who often experience loss of smell and taste? It’s quite disappointment that your favorite dishes are tasting weird and worst. Well, there are various factors that result in cause of loss of smell and taste such as vitamin deficiency, respiratory diseases, cold and flu etc.

If you are looking for ways to have your sense of taste and smell back, then here we are to help you with simple home remedies to make your taste buds active.

Before that just have a look on causes and symptoms for loss of taste and smell in your life.

What Causes Loss Of Taste And Smell?

Your senses of smell and tastes are connected, when you age your senses become weak and you loose the ability to smell or taste.

Here are some factors that lead you to experience loss of smell are:

  • Parosmia: variation in normal perception of smell.
  • Anosmia: a condition where you completely loose the potential to detect odors.
  • Phantosmia: ability to sense and absence of odor.

Some taste disorders are as follows:

  • Aguesia: loss of sense of taste
  • Hypergeusia: a hyper sense of taste
  • Parageusia: abnormal taste in mouth
  • Dysgeusia: changes in sense of taste

Loss of smell and taste are also triggered by conditions such as:

  • Respiratory problems
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Dental issues
  • Radiation treatment
  • Advancing age
  • Sinus
  • Smoking tobacco
  • Certain medications
  • Exposure to chemicals like pesticides and insecticides

Let’s have a look on home remedies to treat this simple condition.

Home Remedies To Treat Loss Of Taste And Smell

1. Ginger


(Image Source: www.bite.com)

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Ginger contains strong aroma that helps in improving the sense of smell as it stimulates your taste by activating your taste buds. The anti inflammatory properties in ginger also help to reduce all types of respiratory problems including runny nose and sinus.

What You Need To Do

  • You just need to chew small pieces of peeled ginger in regular intervals.
  • Do it regularly to see improvement.

2. Garlic


(Image Source: www.pulse.com)

This natural ingredient is also effective in treating stuffy nose and relieves you from the symptoms like cold and flu. The anti inflammatory properties in garlic also help you breathe easier with restored sense of smell and taste.

What You Need To Do

  • Try to drink a cup of garlic tea twice in a day regularly to restore sense of smell and taste.

3. Lemon



(Image Source: www.abelandcole.com)

The powerful anti oxidant properties and vitamin c, citric acid content in lemon will enhance your immune system as well as restore your taste of sense and smell.

What You Need To Do

  • Chew some fresh or pickled pieces of lemon to trigger your taste buds.
  • Alternatively consume glass of lemon juice by adding a table spoon of honey regularly.

4. Castor Oil


(Image Source: www.organicbeautecollections.com)

Castor oil contains number of properties such as anti microbial, anti bacterial and anti inflammatory which are effective in cleansing your nasal passages and restore your sense of taste and smell.

What You Need To Do

  • Warm one table spoon of castor oil and put a drop in each nostril.
  • Apply it twice in a day, once in morning and once before going to bed.
  • Repeat it every day until the sense of taste and smell are restored.
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5. Apple Cider Vinegar


(Image Source: www.healthline.com)

The acidic and sour taste of apple cider vinegar helps in restoring the sense of taste and smell. It will also help to eliminate bacteria that cause infection of sinus.

What You Need To Do

  • Take half glass of water and mix one table spoon of apple cider vinegar and ¼ spoon of baking soda.
  • Stir it well and drink this mixture twice in a day regularly.

6. Cinnamon


(Image Source: www.vitatalalay.com)

The strong and sweet flavor of cinnamon will easily trigger your taste buds and helps in restoring the sense of taste and smell.

What You Need To Do

  • Take one tea spoon of cinnamon powder and mix it with one table spoon of honey to make a paste.
  • Apply this paste on your tongue and leave it for 10 minutes.
  • Once the time is done, wash your tongue with warm water.
  • Repeat it twice in a day for couple of days.

7. Cayenne Pepper



(Image Source: www.duncraft.com)

Cayenne pepper contains a compound called capsaicin which is effective in clearing congestion in the nasal passage. Additionally, it is also helps in increasing the saliva that trigger your taste buds and restore your sense of taste.

What You Need To Do

  • Include this wonderful spice in all your dishes regularly.
  • Or else, mix small amount of cayenne pepper with one tea spoon of honey and consume it to eliminate mucus and encourage secretion.
  • This can be very spicy so do not take it in larger amount.
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8. Carom Seeds


(Image Source: www.zeenewsindia.com)

Carom seeds are considered as one of the effective way to clear nasal congestion. The anti inflammatory properties and strong fumes are quite affective in alleviating inflammation inside your nostrils.

What You Need To Do

  • Take a table spoon of carom seeds and tie them in a small piece of muslin cloth.
  • Inhale the strong aroma of carom seeds.
  • Repeat it several times in a day.

Home Remedies For Loss Of Taste And Smell

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