Home Remedies For Constipation

One of the most common problems faced by almost everyone at least once in their life is nothing but constipation. This condition generally makes us feel uncomfortable and disturbed.

Constipation is often defined as passing hard dry stools or having more than 3 bowel movements in a week. Although constipation can affect anyone, it is more common in women and people above 65 years. It also tends to occur during pregnancy and after child birth.

Some people experience short term constipation caused by changes in their diet, travel, stress or surgery and some will experience chronic constipation which persists for several weeks.

Chronic constipation also results in high blood pressure, arthritis, cataract and even colon cancer. There are enormous medications and health solutions in the market but easy way to get rid of constipation is home remedies. Home remedies can do wonders without any side effects.

This article will help you to know some of the home remedies to treat constipation easily.

Home Remedies To Treat Constipation

Home remedies to treat constipation easily as follows:

1. Honey For Constipation


(Image Source: www.medicalnewtoday.com)

The laxative properties in honey will help to get rid of constipation easily.

What You Need To Do

  • You need to consume 2 table spoons of raw honey three times a day.
  • Alternatively mix one table spoon of honey with one table spoon of lemon juice in a glass of warm water.
  • Drink this mixture every day morning on an empty stomach.

2.  Lemons For Constipation


(Image Source: www.sobeys.com)

The acidic nature and flavonoids present in lemons helps in stimulating the digestive system and increase secretion of bile and acids and gets things move easily. Even the fibers present in lemon ease constipation.

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What You Need To Do

  • Take a table spoon of fresh lemon juice and add a pinch of rock salt and consume it regularly to get rid of constipation.
  • Alternatively, take one glass of warm water and add one table spoon of lemon juice, one table spoon of honey and a pinch of rock salt.
  • Stir the solution well and drink this every day morning to cleanse your system.

3. Water For Constipation


(Image Source: www.acqualive.com)

Dehydration is the common cause for constipation, so it is important to drink enough water and stay hydrated. Water eases the bowel movement and softens the stools, drink plenty of water to get rid of constipation.

Avoid carbonated drinks as they are bad for health and worsen the condition. Only water is the most effective solution to get rid of this problem.

4. Flax Seeds For Constipation


(Image Source: www.Draxe.com)

Flax seeds are enriched with number of vitamins, minerals and omega 3 fatty acids. The anti oxidant and anti inflammatory properties in flax seeds cures very mild to severe constipation.

What You Need To Do

  • Consume 2-3 table spoons of flax seeds with a glass of water.
  • Alternatively, grind one table spoon of powdered flax seeds and mix it with a cup of water and let it remain for 15 minutes.
  • Drink this water regularly to get rid of constipation.

5. Spinach For Constipation

(Image Source: www.siniparxi.com)

Spinach is not only healthy leafy vegetable it is also an effective remedy in treating constipation too. The fibers, vitamins and oxalic acid in spinach helps in cleansing your digestive track, reconstruct and regenerate the whole intestinal track.

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What You Need To Do

  • You just need to include spinach in your regular diet.
  • Or else you can also consume one glass of spinach juice twice daily if you experience severe constipation.

6. Fennel Seeds For Constipation


(Image Source: www.youtube.com)

The essential oil in fennel seeds is effective in alleviating infertile colic symptoms and reduces constipation easily.

What You Need To Do

  • Take one or two table spoons of fennel seeds and grind them in a powder form.
  • Take one teaspoon of powder and mix it with glass of warm water and drink it.
  • Consume it regularly until you get complete relief from constipation.

7. Regular Exercise For Constipation


Group of three young women practicing the side plank pose during yoga class in a gym

(Image Source: www.continentalhospitals.com)

Regular exercise is one of the effective things to get rid of all health issues including constipation. Exercising stimulates the intestinal muscles and speed up the process of passing stools. Exercise also helps in managing stress that reduces all types of digestive disorders.

What You Need To Do

  • Include exercise in your daily life at least for 20 minutes in a day such as walking, jogging, skipping, running etc.

 8. Castor Oil For Constipation

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(Image Source: www.twicw.com)

Castor oil is loaded with numerous properties that help in treating constipation. The compounds present in castor oil stimulate the large and small intestines and supports passing of stools easily.

What You Need To Do

  • You just need to consume one to two table spoons of castor oil on any empty stomach and leave it for 8 hours to see the magic.
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Home Remedies For Constipation



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