Best Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Constipation Relief

Regular intake of processed food, excess consumption of alcohol, smoking, over eating, eating less, less consumption of water and stress, all these things will make us to face number of health issues.

One of such issues is constipation, this condition is commonly faced by number of people worldwide. Even though we have number of medications to overcome this problem, but apple cider vinegar is a natural ingredient that acts effectively to treat this condition.

Let’s see how apple cider vinegar is used for constipation and the best ways to use it in this article.

Does Apple Cider Vinegar Treat Constipation?

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid that helps in treating constipation easily.  The malic acid in apple cider vinegar eases the functioning of digestion and acts as natural laxative.

It also contains small amount of magnesium that helps to promote regular bowel movement and the pectin in this wonderful ingredient has water soluble vitamin that will improve over all digestive process.

It also treats irritable bowel syndrome with its anti bacterial, anti inflammatory and anti microbial properties that eliminate bacteria and helps to digest food.

How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Constipation?

Here are some best ways to use apple cider vinegar to get relief from constipation instantly.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar For Constipation: 


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Diluted apple cider vinegar in early morning is the best way to get relief from constipation.

What You Need To Do:

  • Take a glass of warm water and mix one table spoon of apple cider vinegar in it.
  • Stir it well and drink this solution immediately.
  • Drink this mixture twice in a day to get relief from constipation
  1. Apple Cider Vinegar With Flax Seeds For Constipation:

    flax seeds for constipation

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Flaxseeds are rich in fibre that make the stool soft and pass away from your body easily.

What You Need To Do:

  • Boil one cup of water by adding 2 table spoons of flax seeds in it.
  • Boil it for more than 10 minutes, and then strain the solution.
  • Now add one table spoon of apple cider vinegar in this solution and consume it.
  • Do it regularly to get relief from constipation.
  1. Apple Cider Vinegar With Honey For Constipation: 

    honey for constipation

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Honey contains anti bacterial and anti inflammatory properties that helps in preventing bacteria from your stomach and help you to get relief from constipation.

What You Need To Do:

  • Take one cup of warm water and add one table spoon of raw honey and two table spoons of apple cider vinegar.
  • Stir the solution well and drink it twice in a day.
  • Once in morning on empty stomach before breakfast and once 30 minutes before going to bed.
  1. Apple Cider Vinegar With Psyllium Husk Powder For Constipation: 

    psyllium husk powder for constipation

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The fibre content in psyllium husk powder promotes easy elimination by sweeping waste out of the colon more quickly and efficiently.

What You Need To Do:

  • Take a glass of warm water and add two table spoons of apple cider vinegar and one table spoon of psycillium husk powder.
  • Stir it well and drink it immediately before it coagulates.
  • Repeat it regularly until you see improvement in your health.
  • You can also add table spoon of honey to make it more tasteful.

Tips And Precautions To Follow:

  • Always use organic and raw apple cider vinegar for instant and immediate relief from constipation.
  • Drink lots of water and other juices to be hydrated.
  • Direct intake of apple cider vinegar will make you feel irritated, so it’s better to dilute it before use.
  • If you experience any irritation and allergic reactions after intake of apple cider vinegar immediately consult your doctor.
  • Don’t forget to consult your doctor before including apple cider vinegar in your regular routine.
  • Exercise regularly and try to have 6 small meals instead of 3 large meals in a day.
  • Maintain sleep for at least 7 hours in a day to get relief from constipation.

Best Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Constipation Relief


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