Home Remedies for Molluscum Contagiosum

Molluscum is a skin infection caused by a virus called molluscum, it leads to rising of bumps on upper layer of skin.

These small bumps are painless but they look annoying and weird on skin. This virus can spread out on your body and most commonly seen in children. They often appear on the trunk, face, eyelids and these may turn out to be red.

People who have weak immune system may have dozens of larger bumps on their skin. These bumps often appear about seven weeks after exposing to the virus. Sometimes they do not appear for months.

The viral skin infection can cause discomfort, if left untreated. Also there is a risk of spreading the infection to friends and family who are in close contact with you. It can spread from one person to other person directly and through contact with contaminated objects.

We have many natural treatments to avoid molluscum contagiosm. Home remedies will help you to get rid of the virus, reduces the symptoms of infection and increases the healing process.

Before that we will see causes and symptoms of molluscum contagiosm as follows.

Causes of Molluscum Contagiosm

The main cause for this problem is the virus which names the same. It can spread in number of ways, ranging from sexual contact to use of towels of the people who are infected with virus.

Apart from this there are some more causes which include:

  • Possessing week immunity system
  • Exposing to various sex partners
  • Using towels and clothes of infected person
  • Not washing hands often
  • Playing games like football and wrestling.
  • Working with the people who are supposed to have molluscum contagiosm.

Symptoms of Molluscum Contagiosm

  • These are very small, shine and smoothie in appearance.
  • It is in flesh colored, white or pink.
  • It is filled with central core of waxy material
  • It has shape like a dome with a dimple in the middle.
  • It can become red and inflamed
  • It may be itchy.
  • It can easily be removed by scratching and rubbing which can spread the virus to adjacent skin.
  • Occurs anywhere except on the palms and soles.
  • It can be seen on genitals, lower abdomen and inner upper thighs in adults, if the virus is sexually transmitted.
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Home Remedies of Molluscum Contagiosm

Here are the effective home remedies for molluscum contagiosm which you can try easily at home in order to treat the infection.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been considered as one of the best home remedy for treating molluscum contagiosm in an ease way. Because of its anti bacterial substances, it has the ability to treat the infection and heal the skin.

Coconut oil is known for treating all type of skin infections and even the complex one like scars.You just need to simply apply coconut oil several times on your skin on daily basis, to get rid of this infection.

Tea Tree Oil

Tree tea oil is one f the essential oil that can help you to get rid of molluscum contagiosm naturally. This oil has anti septic and anti viral properties which penetrates into the skin and fight with virus.

Soak a cotton ball in tea tree oil and apply it on the affected area and let it remain for few minutes. Repeat it for 3-4 times a day.

Alternatively, mix 4-5 drops of tea tree oil and one table spoon of olive oil and apply it on the affected area. Leave it on for couple of hours and rinse it off with warm water.

Repeat it once or twice in a week or repeat regularly until you see improvement on your skin.

Apple Cider Vinegar

This is an effective treatment for molluscum contagiosm. It is rich in anti viral properties and treats the virus which is the cause for infection. It removes the dead skin cells and speed up the healing process.

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Apple cider vinegar reaches deep into the skin and reduces inflammation and redness of skin.

Drink one table spoon of apple cider vinegar before going in to sleep. This will improve the functioning of immune system where in strong immune system prevents the chances of getting infected.


Garlic is well known for its ability to heal and boosts the immune system. The compound called allicin found in garlic is potent anti viral and anti bacterial which helps to heal the skin infection.

Chop some garlic cloves and place them on the infected area for some time. It may cause burning in the affected area, cover it with a bandage for some time.

Remove the bandage and wash it before taking bath, repeat this remedy for several times in a week.


Home Remedies for Molluscum Contagiosum

The anti viral properties of neem is an excellent treatment for molluscum contagoism . The leaves of neem are anti biotic and Anti viral which helps in preventing rashes and wart from spreading over the skin by killing the source of infection.

You can boil neem leaves in water and then typically apply this water on the affected area of the skin. You can also take a bath with this water.

Alternatively you can take hand full of leaves with ¼ Th cup of water and blend it to make it a paste. Apply this paste on the affected area of your skin and rinse it off with normal water after some time.

Baking Soda

Another potential home remedy for molluscum contagoism is baking soda. Baking soda helps in treating various problems including digestive problems to hair and skin problems.

This is also used to speed up the healing process of sores and help you to stay away from many other skin diseases.

Mix baking soda with little amount of water and make it as a paste. Apply it on the affected area and let it remain for few minutes.

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Rinse it off with warm water. Repeat this remedy several times in a week to observe beneficial results.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide has strong anti septic properties which stops spreading of disease over your body. It kills the virus and shrinks the lesions to die and fall down.

Soak a cotton ball in one table spoon of hydrogen peroxide and apply it directly over the affected area and leave it for about 20 minutes.

Rinse it off with room temperature water and pat dry. Repeat this remedy regularly until the lesions dies out.


From centuries alcohol is used as a remedy for preventing infections of skin. It is applied on wounds to reduce the harmful germs and for reducing swelling and redness of skin.

Apply alcohol on affected area of your skin and cover it with cotton pads and rinse it off with warm water after 20 minutes.

Repeat this remedy regularly so that lesions will lower and get cured quickly.

How to Prevent Molluscusm Contagoism?

Molluscusm contagoism will never come back if you follow some proper precautions to get rid of them.

  • Avoid sharing single towel in family.
  • Wash your hands after touching lesions.
  • Avoid shaving area infected with virus
  • Do not touch the bumps frequently
  • Don’t work out as sweat can spread out the virus
  • Encourage your child to wash hands regularly
  • Eat natural anti biotic foods
  • Drink turmeric milk shake to improve your immune system.

If molluscusn contagoism left untreated then it can persist for years. Use some essential oils to avoid infection. Natural remedies takes time to cure disease,  which eliminates the root cause and gives you long lasting result.

If you didn’t find any changes even after trying these home remedies then it’s better to consult doctor to know the exact purpose and medication of infection.

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