Ginger Fights Alzheimer’s Disease the Same Way Prescribed Drugs Do

It is a know fact that ginger have many properties which will help us in reducing many diseases, but we do you know it is helpful for treating even Alzheimer’s disease.

To know more about ginger for treating Alzheimer’s disease check out this article, this will help you to drive in correct information.

Alzheimer’s disease is a devasting degenerating brain disorder which leads to problems with memory loss, cognition and overall mental health. This is a most common form of dementia and it’ is an age related disease that is categorized by slow deterioration of mind over many years.

Ginger is consumed world wide as a spice and flavor in food from decades and it has many medical properties and also many health benefits such as, it relieves arthritis, swelling and muscular pain. It also helps in boosting the immune system, soothe gastro intestinal issues and helps in killing certain cancer causing cells.

In new study published in Indian journal of experimental biology, the researchers have concluded that ginger has therapeutic properties to treat Alzheimer’s disease symptoms.

Ginger contains anti inflammatory and neuroprotective properties which will help in treating Alzheimer’s disease. The neuron is the basic working unit of brain and it is specialised cell which is designed in a way to transmit the information from one cell to other nerve cells, gland cells and muscles.

The antioxidant properties of ginger help in protecting brain against the premature degeneration of brain neurons caused by Alzheimer’s disease.

How It All Works?

A new study of Researchers have  shown that ginger enhances a wide variety of cognitive functions including Alzheimer’s disease.

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Drug called acytylcholenesterase is the first line of drug prescribed for the beginners of Alzheimer’s disease, while ginger have same effect compared to this drug and much more safer to ingest in larger quantities.

Power of Plants

Ginger extract is one of the powerful plants for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

A 2007 study in the journal of alternative complimentary medicine suggested that the brain cells get protection with the ginger when extracted with chloroform and aqueous methanol.

The researchers have observed and identified new ache inhibitors from plants as currently approved drugs are derived from plant based compound.

In the recent study conducted in 2013, ginger has been found to have therapeutic effects on Alzheimer’s disease in animal’s mode.

Natural Remedies for Alzheimer’s disease

Ginger Fights Alzheimers Disease the Same Way Prescribed Drugs Do

As we have many remedies like coconut oil, ginko biloba and turmeric for treating Alzheimer’s disease, ginger stood first among all these remedies.

Because of its anti oxidant and anti histamine properties and in particular it has shown potential of treatment of more than just Alzheimer’s disease, it is also used for treating many more diseases like morning sickness and chemotherapy induced nausea.

Foods that Should Include in Your Diet are as follows

  • Olive oil
  • Nuts and seeds like almonds and sesame seeds
  • Herbs and spices
  • Plenty of fresh water
  • Red meat on special occasions
  • Often a glass of red wine.

Other Measures

In addition of following these natural remedies for this disease it’s better to consult your physician and utilize these herbs.


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