Cauliflower, Coconut oil, Ginger, Turmeric Stew – Amazing!

This amazing stew is tasty and good for vegetarians and meat lovers too. It is loaded with healthy fats, warm, tasty and can be enjoyed any time.

You can make this dish by using vegetables of your choice, it is fully vegan and the fiber content in this recipe keeps you energized throughout the day.

For extra protein add some chicken or beans and mix.

Let’s get started and see what you need and how to do it

You Need

2 tablespoon of coconut oil

1 tablespoon of cumin seeds

Finely chopped 1 medium onion

Finely chopped 3 ripe tomatoes

1 cauliflower head, stemmed and cut

1 jalapeno deseeded and chopped

1 cup chopped kale

2 teaspoons of crushed ginger

1 tablespoon of coriander powder

1 tablespoon of cumin powder

1 can full fat unsweetened coconut milk,

1 teaspoon of sea salt

2 tablespoons of chopped cilantro


Step 1

In a pot heat the coconut oil for 30 seconds in medium heat.

Step 2

Add cumin seeds until they start to sputter. Add onions and cook if for one minute and then add the tomatoes, stir and cook for another few minutes until the tomatoes get soften.

Step 3

Add rest of the ingredients along with water. Cover the pan and let it remain for 15 minutes but stir it for every five minutes to avoid burning.

Step 4

Ladle the soup into 4 serving bowl and enjoy!

The left over stew can be stored in air tightening container and refrigerate it then serve it for lunch the next day.

Benefits of Ingredients


Cumin is extremely good for digestive problems. These little seeds also fights inflammation and relieves from muscles soreness.

See also  Ginger Fights Alzheimer’s Disease the Same Way Prescribed Drugs Do

It is also beneficial in treating weak memory, insect bites and painful stings. Because of its anti inflammatory, anti fungal, anti microbial properties it helps in boosting immunity, prevents anemia and many skin disorders.


Cauliflower helps in reducing cancer risks, fights inflammation, decreases the risk of heart disease and brain disorders and provides high number of minerals and vitamins to our body.

It also maintains hormonal balance and prevents diabetes.


Cauliflower Coconut oil Ginger Turmeric Stew

Coconut is one of the most potent foods, often recommended to patients suffering from several diseases. Both coconut oil and coconut milk contains anti oxidant, anti inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic compounds as well as medium chain fatty acids that can reverse cognitive decline.


Ginger has been widely used for centuries as a spice and as well as an alternative medicine. It also helps to improve bone health, strengthen the immune system, increase appetite, avoid various types of cancer and improve respiratory conditions.


Turmeric is a key ingredient used in many dishes and it has many benefits for brain and body. It has powerful anti inflammatory effects and as a very strong anti oxidant.

It increases the capacity of anti oxidants in the body, lowers the risk of heart disease, improves digestion, boosts immune system and a excellent liver detoxifier.

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