See What Happens Inside Your Body When You Eat Noodles

Are you rushing out of time with hunger to attend meeting or to be on time in college?, then the common and quick recipe chosen by most people is noodles which can be prepared instantly within minutes and fills your tummy.

But is it good for your health? The answer is NO!

Well these noodles are very cheap to eat, but considerably expensive when it comes to health. Noodles contain tertiary butyl hydroquinone (TBH) which is a chemical product used as petroleum byproduct to preserve foods.

It is one of the toxic chemical which has big influence on nutrient absorption in our body. But, noodles do not have any nutrients to be absorbed. It contains full of addictives which are called toxins that may lead to metabolic changes in body which are linked to heart disease, diabetes and even a stroke.

A Gastroenterology named Dr. Braden want to know exactly what happens in our digestive system after eating noodles. So, he compared the digestion of freshly prepared home noodles with the processed noodles.

Actually we don’t know what happens in our body after taking any food, so he introduced a tiny camera called “Pill Camera” which is swallowed along with the noodles.

The video is captured differentiating from 20 minutes to 2 hours and guess what, the results has made everyone pretty shocking between fresh noodles and processed noodles.

When you consume processed noodles, even after 2 hours it remains whole which is upsetting in so many aspects. Undigested noodles give pressure to digestive track to break them down and when the food stays for longer time in tummy it have big influence on nutrient absorption.

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What is TBHQ?

TBHQ is a toxic chemical which helps to preserve food for longer time, to discoloration flavor and odor. This chemical is also used in cosmetics, perfumes and varnishes to maintain its stability.

Small amount of TBHQ will not harm you or make you fall sick immediately but it has long term influence like weakening of organs and contributes cancers and tumors.

See What Happens Inside Your Body When You Eat Noodles

Several studies have shown that high exposure to this chemical may lead to stomach tumors. Even a single gram of TBHQ will cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and a sense of suffocation.Some people may have anxiety and night terrors after ingesting TBHQ.

Here I will list some of must avoiding foods which have high amount of TBHQ and should not be allowed in your diet.

  • Nestle crunch
  • Noodles
  • Mc Donald’s chicken nuggets and French fries
  • KFC beans and fried chicken
  • Pal cooking spray
  • Red barren frozen pizza
  • Cheese It crackers
  • Aldi products
  • Butterfinger chocolate and reseeds peanut butter cups.
  • Wheat thins
  • Microwave popcorn
  • Keebler club crackers
  • Little Debbie
  • Some forms of soy milk
  • Butter cookies
  • Different bread cereals and crackers which contain TBHQ
  • Some pet foods
  • Many cosmetic products and baby products
  • Some hair dyes and lipsticks

The conclusion is not yet made about the TBHQ, but it’s better to limit your intake of processed foods especially noodles and try to eat fresh and healthy food in order to live a healthier life


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