How To Balance Hormone Levels Naturally

Do you know hormonal imbalance is often considered as a complicated problem to tackle? Since hormones play very crucial role in our health and happiness, a slight imbalance can cause dramatic effects on our weight, appearance, mood, fertility, energy and anxiety levels.

So what can we do to balance our hormone levels in the body? We came with some natural remedies that will solve your problem easily. Before that, just have a look on the description of hormonal imbalance and symptoms for better understanding.

What Is Hormonal Imbalance?

Hormones are chemical messengers produced by endocrine glands which travel through the blood stream to different sites and regulates the functions of tissues and organs.

Too much or very less production of these hormones results in causing many health issues. This condition is often called as hormonal imbalance and can be seen more in women compared to men. This hormonal imbalance can generally occur at the stage of puberty, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause.

Apart from these conditions, factors like too much or too little exercise, lack of sleep, certain medications, toxins, chemicals, thyroidism, eating disorders, stress and adrenal exhaustion contribute to hormonal imbalance.

Symptoms Of Hormonal Imbalance

The following are the symptoms of hormonal imbalance:

  • Mood swings
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Weight problems
  • Oily or dry skin
  • Acne
  • Food cravings
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Excessive hair growth and hair loss
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Infertility

Hormonal imbalance in your body may impact your metabolism. So, it’s better to pay attention for the sensation of hunger, energy and cravings to make sure your hormones are in balance.

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You can use natural remedies to balance the levels of your hormones in your body to reduce the symptoms caused by it. You must consult your doctor in severe cases to get proper treatment.

Here are some natural remedies to maintain stable levels of hormones in your body.

Home Remedies For Hormonal Imbalance

1. Coconut Oil


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Coconut oil is loaded with essential fatty acids that help in promoting healthy functioning of your thyroid and useful for those with hypothyroidism. It also has phytoestrogens compounds that will reduce the risk of dementia and wound healing in post menopausal women.

Coconut oil also helps to reduce the high blood sugar levels and speed up your metabolism to promote easy weight loss in your body. Extra virgin coconut oil is a best remedy for balancing hormones in our body.

What You Need To Do

  • Add one to two table spoons of extra virgin coconut oil in your salad dressings and special dishes in your diet.
  • You can even consume 1-2 table spoons of coconut oil regularly for at least few months.

2. Holy Basil


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Holy Basil is considered as an excellent remedy for balancing hormones in your body. Holy basil or essential oil contains active ingredients like eugonol, carvocral, ursolic acid, linalool etc.

Regular intake of holy basil also helps to stabilize the cortisol levels which reduces the problem associated with thyroid glands and pancreas

What You Need To Do

  • All you need to do is eat some fresh basil leaves everyday for few months.
  • Alternatively, you can drink basil tea by boiling handful of holy basil leaves in a cup of water for few minutes. Strain this solution and drink it by adding one tea spoon of honey.
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3. Ashwagandha


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Ashwagandha is popular natural herb that helps in increasing your energy and reducing anxiety and stress. And these days, this wonderful ingredient is widely used in many skin care product too.

It works effectively to balance hormones in your body and acts as an adaptogen and reduces cortisol. It even increases the production of DHEA, androgen, testosterone and helps to improve thyroid function.

What You Need To Do

Consume 300 gms of ashwagandha everyday for few months. Always make sure to consult your doctor before including it in your diet.

4. Exercise


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Exercise is something we always neglect, but a simple physical activity for just 30 minutes in a day will keep you healthy and protect you from certain health issues. This is the great way to balance your hormones and lowers your cortisol levels.

Regular exercise involves in releasing the brain chemicals that improves your mood and even maintain healthy weight.

 What You Need To Do

  • Just go for swimming, walking for at least 20-30 minutes in a day or do some light exercises that are supported by your body.
  • Avoid workouts more than 40 minutes which might result in increasing your cortisol levels.
  • Try yoga and meditation that provides you relief that stimulate hormone functions and reduces stress levels.

5. Cut Out Caffeine


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This may sound difficult for the people who can’t get out from their bed without coffee. But, too much caffeine content in the blood stream often results in imbalance of hormones of endocrine gland.

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What You Need To Do

  • Replace your coffee with low caffeine herbal teas and avoid consumption of caffeinated sodas and other products that contain caffeine.

6. Get Enough Sleep


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Sufficient amount of sleep is crucial to maintain healthy body. Lack of sleep results in increasing stress hormones and hampers the ability of your endocrine system to regenerate and regulate healthy hormones.

What You Need To Do

  • Try to get more than 7 hours of sleep in a day to maintain healthy body.

How To Balance Hormone Levels Naturally


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