Ways To Prevent And Reduce Jet Lag

Jet lag is basically a kind of disturbance in the internal body clock which is caused due to travelling across different time zones. Frequent fliers are very much aware and effected with it. Jet lag is also known by the terms jet lag disorder or time zone syndrome.

When a person travels across different time zones, particularly in eastern directions their body tend to get disturbed and leave them with certain symptoms like disturbed sleep pattern, fatigue, nausea, poor appetite, poor concentration, irritability etc. Our body needs some time, may be few days to get adjusted to a new time zone.

Jet lag is temporary and can get better in few days but it can ruin your holiday or a business trip. In this article you are going to study about some tips and certain life style changes that can prevent you or even treat jet lag.

Ways To Prevent And Reduce Jet Lag


1. Spend Time In Daylight Upon Arrival

Giving yourself exposure to sunlight can help you in dealing with jet lag. When the arrival time at your destination is during day, try and enjoy some sunlight. One of the natural tools in regulating sleep pattern and reducing the symptoms of jet lag is sunlight. You need not spend too much time in direct sunlight, you can even stay in your room if it has got natural sunlight.

2. Change In Sleep Time Before Departure

If you are going to travel on a long plane journey and fear of being jet lagged, then you need to change your sleep time few days before leaving. This way your body can easily adjust to a new time zone upon arrival and give you a stress free trip. Sleep an hour early if you are travelling to east, likewise sleep an hour later if you are going to west.

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Make sure you have sound sleep before leaving because lack of sleep can even worse jet lag. Plan and schedule everything on time and avoid last minute rush.

3. Stay Hydrated


(Image source: www.apollopharmacy.in)

By being hydrated you can prevent your body from the worse condition of jet lag. The most important and simplest way to reduce or prevent jet lag is having enough water and staying hydrated. Air travel can usually make you dehydrated due to lack of humidity in flight and dry air as well. You need to keep yourself hydrated to handle this by having enough fluids before, during and after travel.

4. Avoid Alcohol And Caffeine


(Image source: www.medicalnewstoday.com)

Airlines always provide you with alcoholic beverages and other caffeinated drinks and you enjoy having it, particularly during a long flight. But these drinks can disturb your sleeping pattern and may even dehydrate your body which in turn leads to jet lag. Avoid having alcoholic beverages and caffeine drinks as these may give you fatigue, tiredness and well as other jet lag symptoms.

5. Take A Walk In Cabin


(Image source: www.wanderlust.co.uk)

Sitting in one compact place for longer hours can give you poor blood circulation as well as causes swelling in feet. It is important to take short walk around the cabin if you are on a long journey. Try to bend and stretch by sitting on your place, it can reduce the discomfort and can even reduce muscle strain upon arrival.

6. Eat Light

Travelling can even effect your digestive system as well, you need to eat sensible and eat light before travelling as well as in flight. Frequent fliers mostly opt for let lag diet, which means having heavy diet few days before travelling and having no food on the day of flight.

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Ways To Prevent And Reduce Jet Lag



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