How To Balance Hormones Naturally

Well, as we know hormones play crucial roles in proper functioning of our body organs. In other words, these are known as chemical messenger that are made in one organ and transfers through blood and tissues in our body.

It modifies and controls all the functions in our body. What if hormones are not in balance in our body? Hormonal imbalance may lead to many health issues like formation of acnes and scars on skin, weight gain, fatigue, dry skin, puffy face, muscles weakness, depression, anxiety, sweating, nervousness, blurred vision etc.

In women hormonal imbalance leads to PMS problems, menopause problems and irregular monthly menstural cycle etc.So, it’s important to balance our hormones. But how can we balance our hormones naturally? If this is the question that pop up in your mind, here we go with the answers below:

How To Balance Hormones Naturally?

The following are the best ways to balance your hormones naturally.

Eat Enough Healthy Fats

As we know that our body needs both saturated and unsaturated fats for functioning of all organs in our body. But, polyunsaturated fats contain both omega 3 fatty acids and omega 6 fatty acids. High quantity of omega 6 fatty acids may lead to decrease of hormones in our body and also many other health issues.

Replace them with saturated fats which are vital for maintaining hormones health and balances as the body use fat as the building blocks for hormones.Include more items and ingredients which are rich in saturated fats in your regular diet.

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Regular Exercise

Regular exercise is one of the best ways to balance hormones naturally. For the people who are with hormonal imbalance, extended exercises can actually make the condition worse than before.

It’s better to practice exercises like swimming and do avoid exercises like running and exercises related to cardio.Regular exercise will also keep you fit and strong and protects you from many diseases and it even maintains your blood pressure in optimal level.

Limit Intake Of Caffeine

How To Balance Hormones Naturally

Even if you love coffee more than anything in this world, you need to avoid it if you undergo with hormonal imbalance in your body. Because, caffeine increases the problems in endocrine system. Especially when there are other hormone stressors involved like presence of toxins and imbalance of fat hormones in the body.

Limit your intake of Caffeine in your regular diet which will help you to balance your hormones at any cost.Replace coffee with any herbal teas which are good for your health.

Prioritize Sleep

A good laugh and a perfect sleep are two amazing cures for any health issues. An adequate sleep is essential for maintaining good health and to be active all over day in your office or at your work.

As doctors recommended 7-8 hours of sleep is necessary, because your body is extremely active when you’re sleeping it removes toxins, recharges your mind and creates new hormones for proper functioning of all organs.

Skipping sleep even for a night will have tremendous impact on hormones. Maintain proper sleep to be healthy and perfect.

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Avoid Sugar And Refined Carbs

Almost every product in the market is perfectly packed with sugars that we don’t know. But sugar and carbs can lead to many health issues.

Many studies have proven that, high level of fructose may increase the insulin levels and promotes insulin resistance, especially more in obese and overweight people.

Do maintain perfect sleep if it’s not possible for 8 hours, try to sleep atleast for 6-7 hours, especially when you have imbalance of hormones.

Consume High Fiber Fat

Fiber, especially water soluble plays a vital role in maintaining healthy body. Many studies have proven that intake of fibers may increase the insulin sensitivity and stimulates the production of hormones that make you feel full and satisfied.Make sure your regular diet has  fiber rich foods to avoid imbalance of hormonal in your body.


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