How to Get Rid of Sagging Breasts?

Being in shape and maintainig perfect body figure is what women always want. Breasts are one of the most attractive part of womens body which is to be maintained firm and tight.

With time and ageing, breasts start losing its elasticity and becomes saggy. Sagging can occur by natural reasons like breast feeding, wearing improper bra and even due to hormonal changes in body.

But how do we get rid of them? This article will help you to get rid of saggy breast by following some simple things and promotes your breast health regardless of its cause.

Why do Breast Sag?

Our breasts are naturally elastic due to presence of protein called elastin. These are made up of fatty tissues and glands that produce milk, which is covered by skin.

Smoking destroys the elastin protein and cause skin to lose its elasticity. This causes the skin around and on breasts to become loose and sag.

Dramatically, weight gain and weight loss has a great impact on sagging breasts.

How to Get Rid of Sagging Breast


One of the best ways to add firmness to your breast is daily exercise. Women who have sagging breasts should inculcate the habit of exercise in their routine. The easiest and popular exercise is pushups which strengthens pectoral muscles beneath breasts.

It also helps in shaping out breasts and reduces excess fat around breasts. Some of the exercises which help to get rid of saggy chest are as follows:

  • Arm raises
  • Chest pushes and pulls
  • Dumbbell flyers
  • Incline chest press

Try Yoga

Yoga helps you in strengthening back and maintains the perfect posture of your body. It also opens up the chest, strengthens muscles and supports your body for better breasts and makes them less saggy.

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The following asanas help you in strengthening and improving your saggy breasts.

  • Ustrasana or camels pose.
  • Dhanurasana or bow pose
  • Veerabhadrasana or warrior pose
  • Chakrasana or wheel pose

Ice Massage

Ice massage helps to lift your breasts naturally and effortlessly. When ice comes in contact with skin, it tightens the skin and alleviates all kind of soreness prevailing in muscles.

Take ice cubes and massage it in circular motion for each breast at least for one minute and dry them using a towel. Wear a tight bra and lie back for 30 minutes in relaxed position.

Repeat this remedy for 3-4 times in a week and see extraordinary results.

Olive Oil Massage

Olive oil is rich in antioxidants and fatty acids that can reverse the damage of free radicals and improve skin tone and skin tightening.

Take some olive oil into your palm and rub it until it produces some heat then apply it on the breasts in circular motion for few minutes and let it remain for 15 to 20 minutes.

Follow this remedy for 4-5 times in a week. You can use almond oil or jojoba oil instead of olive oil.

Improve Your Diet

Diet plays an important role in keeping us healthy as well as breasts. Breasts need proper proteins and nutrients for instant growth and for not losing its elasticity. So eat foods that are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and healthy fat.

Drinking lots of water not only helps you to keep hydrated, but it also flushes out all the toxins from your body and keeps you healthy.

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Wear Supportive Bras

Wearing a loose bra while you do exercise is the cause for sagging breasts. As you jump your breast stretch and bounce. So if you have large breast then you need to wear supportive bra which is neither loose nor tight.

Be sure you have fitted for the right size of your bra which gives the support you need; this step alone can help you to get rid of some of the problems you face around posture as well as breast discomfort.

It’s not necessary to wear bra 24 hours, you can remove it while sleeping.

Avoid Weight Fluctuations

How to Get Rid of Sagging Breasts

You need to maintain healthy body weight, dieting causes your skin to lose its elasticity and causes saggy breasts. Even the weight loss and the weight gain makes breast saggy. So it’s better to avoid weight fluctuations.

Sleep on Back

The way you sleep also effects the elasticity of your breasts, when you sleep on one side the upper breast loses its elasticity and it will stretch and becomes saggy.

So always sleep on your back to get rid of saggy breasts.

Aloe Vera gel

Aloe Vera gel is another way to keep your breasts firm. It improves the strength of skin and attributes the collagen stimulating properties of the gel. It also helps in fighting with sagging breasts and improves elasticity of skin.

Simply apply aloe vera gel on your breast and leave for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. Repeat this process for 2-3 times in a week.

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Egg White

Egg is not only good for health of your skin, it also helps in tightening the skin. Egg white contains skin nourishing properties and presence of hydro lipids makes the loose skin around your breast to firm again.

Beat the egg white until it forms bubbles, then apply it on your breasts and let it dry for 30 minutes. Rinse it off with onion juice before washing with water.

Repeat this process for several times in a week.

Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds are rich in vitamins and anti oxidants that compensate free radical action and tighten soft area around the breasts. It has been often used to treat sagging breast in ancient ayurveda.

Mix 1/4th cup of fenugreek powder in required amount of water and form it as a thick paste. Apply and rub it on your breasts for 5-10 minutes and later rinse it off with warm water.

Repeat this process for 2-3 times in a week for beneficial results.

Alternatively, you can also make a mask with fenugreek powder, yogurt, vitamin E oil and egg white ,mix them well to form like a paste.

Apply this paste on your breasts and massage it in upward direction for few minutes. Let it remain for 30 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Use this mask once in a week to get rid of sagging breasts.


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