Health Benefits of Cardamom

Cardamom is used as a flavouring agent in most of the asian cuisine,especially in desserts.Cardamom is a spice made from the seeds of plants from the family of zingiberaceae.

Cardamom is the third most expensive spice in the world and is also known as ‘queen of spices’ in Indian cuisine.Apart from this it is also used in ayurvedic medicine as a treatment for mouth ulcers, digestive problems and even depression.

There are number of surprising benefits of cardamom or elachi that you are not aware of.

It is worth to add cardamom in your food as there are multiple health benefits in this spice.

Health Benefits of Cardamom

Cardamom is rich source of minerals like potassium, sulphur, magnesium, iron and even manganese and also rich in many vital vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin and vitamin c.

Some of the health benefits of cardamom are shown below:

Improves Digestion

Cardamom is carminative in nature and helps to speed up digestion. It belongs to ginger family which reduces inflammation in stomach lining, fights heartburn and nausea.

It also soothes mucous membrane and makes its function better and then relives the symptoms of acidity in upset stomach.

According to some ayurvedic texts, it reduces the air content in stomach and help in digesting ifood more efficiently.

Regularizes Your Heart Rate

Potassium is an essential mineral to maintain blood pressure levels in body. When you consume cardamom it helps in regulating your heart rate and keeps your blood pressure under control.

Helps in Detoxifying Your Body

Manganese is an important mineral for production of an enzyme in body which scavenges and destroys free radicals.

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Cardamom contains high level of manganese and very strong detoxifying properties which help to cleanse the body and protect it from several align diseases.

Avoids Bad Breath

If you have bad breath problem and unable to get rid of it, then give a try on cardamom for beneficial results. It has anti bacterial properties, strong flavor and pleasant smell.

It helps in digestion as well as removes the bad odour after the intake of food.

Improves Blood Circulation

In modern times, cardamom is used to treat asthma and bronchitis by improving the blood circulation to lungs.

The essential oil extracted from cardamom has been tested on individuals who experience stress and found that it is effective in promoting blood circulation in the body.

Anti-asthmatic Property

Cardamom is also used in treating asthma and other respiratory issues. The anti oxidants present in cardamom helps in reducing the respiratory problems.

Several studies have proven that cardamom is effective enough in opening up constricted windpipes and also effective in causing relaxation to the tracheal tissues.


Cardamom contain diuretic properties and acts as a good detoxifier and promotes the nephorns to remove waste products like uric acid, amino acid, excess water and other wastes from urinary track, kidneys and bladder.

Relieves Acidity

Health Benefits of Cardamom

The antimicrobial properties in cardamom helps in strengthening mucosal lining of stomach and also increase the amount of saliva you secrete.

When you chew the pod, it releases essential oils that stimulate your salivary glands and helps to stimulate your stomach lining to work better.

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Treats Nausea, Sore Throats and Vomiting

Cardamom is an effective tonic and stimulant spice which is also good for relaxing the sensations of nausea and vomiting.

Boil cardamom and cinnamon both in water and drink it every day morning, which can relieve you from sore throat.

Reduces Depression

The anti depression properties of cardamom haven’t been proven in studies yet but ayurvedic medicines have proved that cardamom tea has the ability to fight with depression.

It has natural ingredients that clean the body and rejuvenates the cells which together help in fighting depression.

Reduces Cold and Flu

This pungent spice has the ability to relieve you from cold and flu within few days. Honey tea is considered very beneficial to treat cold and cough,add few cardamom seeds and add about a tea spoon of honey to one and half cup of water.Boil it and make a tea, drink this tea to cure normal cold and cough.

Removes Cavities

Chewing cardamom regularly helps to get rid of cavities and tooth decay. When you start chewing cardamom, it starts cleansing secretion saliva and helps in getting rid of cavities.

It contains components which are good for oral hygiene and thus benefits number of oral issues.

Dental Diseases

Cardamom is widely used in ayurvedic medicines to treat dental problems from many centuries. Well, after introduction of antibiotics it has been found that these antibiotics produced has side effects too.

Use of cardamom is best because it inhibits only infectious microbes and not the probiotic bacteria.

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Contains Anti Inflammatory Properties

Cardamom contains anti inflammatory properties and helps in reducing swelling and limits the pain, especially in mucous membrane,mouth and throat.


Cardamom is a powerful aphrodisiac that can help with erectile dysfunction and impotence of body used in traditional medicine.


There are several remedies prescribed to get relief from hiccups in folk medicine but most of the times it doesn’t work as a good one.

However with cardamom it is very simple to stop hiccups, boil some pods of cardamom in water and drink it, instantly you can get rid of hiccups.

Anti Spasmodic Properties

A sudden contraction of muscles causes spasms and result in sudden emergence of pain. These are frequently reported by older people which can be treated with the help of cardamom.

It also helps in relieving from other symptoms like stomach and intestinal cramps.


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