How To Get Rid Of Teenage Pimples Naturally

Are those small spots making you feel uncomfortable to attend a party or to hang out with your friends? Many teenagers always dream of looking special among everyone.

Most of the teenagers get depressed and opt for special makeup to hide their face temporarily. And some people will pop the pimple to avoid it, but these are not right tricks to avoid pimples on your face.

Without doing this tricks, How to Get Rid of Pimples as a teenager? If this is the question that pops up in your mind, then you are in the right place to know answer for your greatest problem as a teenager.

What Are Pimples?

Pimples are small inflammations on the skin or they are also known as oily or sebaceous glands that are affected when comes in contact with certain bacteria then start to swell and develop pus inside them.

Pimple can be in any size and may occur at any place on your body. Mostly it affects face, neck, shoulders, chest and back.

What Are The Causes Of Pimples?

  • The major cause for the formation of pimples on our body is hormonal imbalance. Pimples become more common especially in teenager because of undergoing several physical changes.
  • Just like your hair, your skin also sheds dead cells. If they are attached to sebum, it leads to blocking skin pores that results in the formation of a pimple.
  • Even the dust and bacteria around us, is also a culprit for the cause of pimples on your skin.
  • Consumption of high quantity of sugar in your regular diet is also another cause. It is advisable to have limited sugary products in your diet.
  • Well, makeup is another cause for the formation of pimple; please do avoid heavy makeup and its mandatory to remove makeup before going to bed.
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How To Get Rid Of Pimples Naturally?

To get rid of pimples naturally, try these wonderful home remedies that help you without any side effects.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is an excellent remedy for treating any skin problem. Due to its astringent properties it absorbs the oil from the pimples and cause the pimple to shrink, vitamin C in lemon helps to heal pimples faster.

  • Take a slice of lemon and extract the juice from it.
  • By using a cotton ball, apply it on the pimple and leave it for few minutes then rinse it off with fresh water.
  • Alternatively, you can add sandal wood powder to lemon juice and make paste, then apply it directly on the pimple. It reduces the pimple to great extent.


The anti septic and anti fungal properties in garlic will heal pimples faster. The content of sulphur in garlic also helps o prevent pimple as well.

  • Take two cloves of fresh garlic and extract juice from it and apply it on the pimple. Leave it for five minutes and rinse it off with fresh water. Do it several times in a day.
  • Make sure to clean it after 5 minutes, if it is left for more than five minutes it leads to burning sensation of your skin.


Steaming is one of the best ways to treat pimples. Steaming helps the pores in the skin to open up and allows the skin to breathe. It also helps to get rid of dirt and bacteria present in pimples.

  • Take a large container of hot water and use a thick towel to cover yourself while taking steam.
  • Make your face come in contact with the steam coming from it for few minutes. Rinse and dry your face and apply any oil free moisturizer.
  • This remedy will also help you to maintain glowing skin.
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Aloe Vera

How To Get Rid Of Teenage Pimples Naturally

Aloe Vera has several medical and therapeutic properties and also helps in curing pimples.

  • Extract the gel from fresh aloe Vera leaf and apply directly on the pimple. Leave it for few minutes and then wash it off with fresh water.
  • Alternatively, you can spread over the gel on your face, to maintain healthy and glowing skin.

Tooth Paste

Many of us don’t know that even tooth paste that we use daily can heal pimples without any side effects. Make sure you use white toothpaste and not gel type.

  • Apply a little amount of toothpaste on pimple and leave it overnight, then wash it in the morning. Mint and clove oil in toothpaste helps in healing pimples.
  • Some people may feel burning sensation after applying it, if you feel so please do avoid it.


Oatmeal is not only useful for maintaining healthy weight; but it also helps in healing pimples too. Oatmeal absorbs excess oil and cleanses skin pores.

  • Take a bowl of cooked oatmeal; add a table spoon of honey and lemon juice. Apply it on the affected area and leave it for 30 minutes and then wash it with warm water.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is another effective home remedy for treating pimples and many other skin issues. This is also considered as the best remedy especially for sensitive type skin.

  • Mix a table spoon of baking soda with required amount of water to form a paste. Apply it directly on the pimple and allow it to dry, and then wash it with warm water after few minutes.
  • Don’t leave it more than few minutes, because baking soda has the ability to make skin dry. Repeat this process twice a day to achieve quick results.
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Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is one of the best essential oil that can treat pimples faster. The content of menthol in peppermint oil helps to reduce the redness and irritation caused due to pimples.Menthol also contains anti bacterial properties which prevents infection of pimples and kills the bacteria causing pimple.

  • Extract the juice from peppermint by crushing the leaves and apply it on the pimple and leave it few minutes. Then wash it with cold water and repeat this process for several times in a day.

Orange Peels

Orange peels have the ability to treat pimples easily.

  • Powdered the dried orange peels and make it paste by adding enough amount of water and apply it directly on the pimple. Leave it for 20 minutes and wash it with warm water after 20 minutes.

Honey And Cinnamon Paste

The antibiotic properties in honey will heal pimple quickly, the combination of cinnamon and honey is an excellent remedy to prevent pimples.

  • Apply the mix of cinnamon and honey on affected area and leave it for one hour. Wash off with lukewarm water. You can also apply it before going to bed and leave it overnight to see beneficial results.

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