How To Improve Blood Circulation In Body

Blood circulation plays vital role in our body to keep us healthy all time. It helps to circulate essential nutrients, vitamins and oxygen to different parts of the body. If we have poor blood circulation, then it often leads to many health issues. It’s Important and compulsory to reach out to doctor immediately if you experience symptoms like consistent numbness, unexplained digestive problems, frequent exhaustion and skin discoloration.

Before reaching to doctor, we have many ways to improve our blood circulation just by following some easy and simple home remedies. This article will take you to know about causes, effects and natural ways to improve blood circulation in an ease way.

What is Poor Blood Circulation?

As we have already seen that circulation is very important in our body for proper functioning of all organs in our body. The circulatory system is also known as cardiovascular system which is responsible for circulating oxygen and nutrients to different parts of our body.

When the blood flow in specific parts is reduced, then you start experiencing poor blood circulation. This often leads to many health issues sometimes, it even lead to death in extreme conditions.

Causes Of Poor Blood Circulation

There are many causes of poor blood circulation. Some of them are as follows:

1. Peripheral Artery Disease

Peripheral artery disease is a circulatory condition which often leads to narrowing of blood vessels and stiffen arteries to restrict the flow of blood in your body.

2. Blood Clots

Blood clot can develop anywhere in your body. It will restrict the flow of blood to different parts of the body. These clots can develop due to many reasons such as excessive drinking, smoking or even excessive intake of junk food.

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3. Diabetes

Many people who have diabetes often have poor blood circulation. Because diabetic neurotherapy reduces sensation in the extremities and leads to poor blood circulation.

4. Obesity

Excess fat in your body also lead to blocking of veins and arteries in the body and causes poor blood circulation.

5. Genetics

Even genetic plays major role in poor blood circulation of your body. If any member in your family had blood clots or varicose veins then you are at higher risk of encountering a circulatory problem in life.

Some Other Causes Also Include

  • Anxiety
  • High cholesterol
  • Thyroid diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Poor diet
  • Smoking
  • Artery and vein disorders
  • Heart disorders
  • Nerve disorders
  • Blood vessel disorders
  • Anemia
  • Asthma
  • Pneumonia
  • Food allergies

Symptoms Of Poor Blood Circulation

If you experience poor blood circulation, then following are the symptoms you may absorb in your body.

  • Tingling sensation in arms, legs and even limbs
  • Discoloration of skin
  • Numbness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Stinging pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Digestive problems
  • Weak immune system
  • Brittle hair and nails
  • Dry skin
  • Swelling of feet and hands

Natural Ways To Improve Blood Circulation

1. Do Enough Exercise

Exercise is a great way to improve blood circulation in our body. Moreover exercise strengthens cardiovascular system and enables the heart to pump blood through circulatory system more effectively.

Jogging, biking and dancing have major impact to improve blood circulation in your body. Even a simple 20 minutes walk everyday will also helps to circulate the blood to different parts of our body.

Don’t forget to stretch your body before and after workout regularly.

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2. Stay Hydrated

How To Improve Blood Circulation In Body

You may or may not know; our blood is made up of water in highest amount. And all organs in our body need to stay hydrated to function more effectively, this will happen only when you drink lots of water each day.

Drinking plenty of water not only helps in effective functioning of organs, but it also helps to remove harmful toxins from your body and cleanses your body.

Doctors recommends that adults need to take more than 8 ounces of water each day, carry a water bottle wherever you go.

3. Reduce Intake Of Caffeine

Lot of studies and researches have proven that, moderate intake of caffeine may improve cardiovascular health, but too much caffeine makes you dehydrate.

As we know sugary drinks are not good for overall health and sugar combined with caffeine have negative impact compared with caffeinated drink alone. So it’s important to stay hydrated for good blood circulation and to remove caffeine from your regular diet.

4. Reduce Alcohol Consumption

Excessive consumption of alcohol will lead to hardened arteries and restrict the healthy flow of blood.However, moderate consumption of alcohol also varies from one person to another depending on age, weight and gender but it is not more than 2 drinks a day.

To maintain healthy blood circulation in your body, it is necessary to reduce consumption of alcohol in regular routine.

5. Massage With Essential Oils

A good massage can stimulate a better blood flow in your body. During a massage all the movements should be directed towards heart, so that it promotes flow of venous blood and lymph’s throughout the body and improve overall circulation.

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Essential oils also promote relaxation and stress relief while massaging. This is the best way to improve blood circulation without any side effects and risk free treatment.

6. Quit Smoking

Smoking is the major cause for poor blood circulation in our body. It generally increases blood pressure which damages arteries. It also contributes to narrowing of blood vessels which often results in restricted flow of blood to different parts of the body.

It also makes blood stickier and reduces the flow of blood in extremities like finger tips and toes.It’s better to quit smoking to maintain good health and wealth.

7. Eat Nuts

Eating variety of healthy nuts is a good way to maintain healthy circulation of blood at optimum levels your body.You can gain vitamins A, B, C, Magnesium and Iron which are essential to contribute better blood circulation in your body.Several studies have also proven that nuts like walnuts and raw almonds helps to improve the flow of blood.

8. Eat All Types Of Fruits

Fruits which are rich in Vitamin C will help to improve circulation in our body. Fruits such as oranges, watermelon, goji berries will help to improve blood circulation because of its high content of fiber and lycopene which have been linked to improve circulation.


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