Weird Reasons For Being Overweight That You Never Know

Seeing extra pounds on your body day by day must be frustrating right? Even when you are maintain good diet, regular exercise, avoided eating midnight snacks but you may still unable to see any changes in your body.

For some people weight gain occur even though they have spend lot of time in gym and maintain a good health routine, seeing this makes them frustrated.

Why you are not able to see any change in your body? Here we are going to explain with the weird reasons you undergo everyday that leads to gaining weight even after putting all efforts.

1. You Overeat Healthy Foods

The food what you take in your regular routine might be healthy but over consumption of these food will lead to gaining of weight. Healthy food like avocados, nuts, dark chocolates and oatmeal will lead to weight gain easily when you take them in excess amount.

Instead of eating healthy food in excess amount try to remember that they are loaded with healthy fats and try to stick to recommended serving size bowl, this will help you to lose extra pounds from your body.

2. Depression

A study which was conducted in American journal of public health found that, the people who feel lonely and sad gain weight more quickly compared with the people who report fewer depression related symptoms.

The anti depressant medications are linked with weight gain. Instead of taking depressant pills you can opt for going and participating in certain live shows, it will help you to get rid of depression.

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3. Your Gut Is Slow

Slow bowel movements and digestive issues may also result in extra pounds in your body. Bowel movement once or twice in a day is healthy movement but if you are not so regular, dehydrated, medications, low fiber or even the good flora will cause problem in your gut and result in gaining weight.

4. Hormonal Imbalance

Hormones in our body play a major role in maintaining our health. Hormones manage metabolism, weight balance, energy levels, emotions and even mood swings.

Leptin is the essential hormone that tells you when you have enough to eat, if there is an imbalance of this hormone in our body then you may have the tendency to eat more and stay hungrier even after you have eaten.

Over consumption of processed foods and sugary beverages will not support proper functioning of liver and it convert fructose into fat when the leptin is released in very less amount.

Even too much of any hormone in the body will lead to many health issues. This means your brain doesn’t know when you are full which ultimately results in weight gain.

5. Under-active Thyroid

Weird Reasons For Being Overweight That You Never Know

Thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland located in front of your neck. This gland helps to keep your metabolism functioning properly. The hormones that are produced by thyroid gland help to control the speed of the metabolism, when this hormone levels becomes too low, weight gain occurs.

6. Vitamin Deficiency

Vitamin deficiency is also one of the reasons for gaining weight. The people who are overweight often don’t eat much healthy fruits and vegetables which leads them to lose vital vitamins required for maintaining proper health.

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It’s very important to consume fresh fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins and nutrients for your health no matter what your body composition may be.

7. You Stay Up Late

You might follow regular healthy diet and exercise daily, but sadly if you are catching late up every night then all your efforts to lose weight results in gaining weight.

Lack of sleep will increase the levels of hunger hormone and decrease the levels of leptin hormone which results in slow response of our brain. Several researches have also shown that when we are sleep deprived, our brains respond more strongly to junk food and have less of an ability to practice portion control.

Try to have more sleep which not only helps to lose your weight but it cleanses all the toxins and helps in proper functioning of your system.

8. Genetics

Genetics plays a major role in being obsessed. According to a study published in journal nature genetics have been concluded that genes is connected with obesity.


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